Name  E-mail  Department  Phone
Adamovičová Kateřina, Mgr. Technical and Economic Management +420 272 016 012
Aksonova Kateryna, Ph.D. Department of Ionosphere and Aeronomy
Alemu Marew Habtamu, Ph.D. Department of Ionosphere and Aeronomy
Arazimová Marta, Ing. Technical and Economic Management +420 272 016 041
Babuňková Uhlířová Iva, Mgr. Department of Meteorology +420 272 016 009
Balková Radka , Mgr. Department of Space Physics +420 267 103 059
Barotová Kateřina, Bc. Department of Space Physics
Baše Jiří, Ing. Department of Ionosphere and Aeronomy +420 267 103 301
Bašová Ivana Technical and Economic Management +420 272 016 049
Beranová Romana, Mgr. Ph.D. Department of Climatology +420 272 016 043
Bližňák Vojtěch, RNDr. Ph.D. Department of Meteorology +420 272 016 051
Borisova Ekaterina, Ing. Department of Climatology
Boudouma Adam, Ph.D. Department of Space Physics +420 267 103 059
Brichta Ondřej, Bc. Department of Ionosphere and Aeronomy
Dubrovský Martin, RNDr. Ph.D. Department of Climatology
Dušák Radim Department of Meteorology +420 417 872 101
Fišer Ondřej, doc. Ing. CSc. Department of Meteorology +420 272 016 038
Formánek Tomáš Department of Space Physics +420 267 103 154
Grison Benjamin, Ing. Ph.D. Department of Space Physics +420 267 103 300
Gröschl Matyáš Department of Ionosphere and Aeronomy +420 267 103 301
Hajoš Mychajlo, Ing. Ph.D. Department of Space Physics +420 267 103 154
Hanslian David, Mgr. Ph.D. Department of Meteorology
Hanzelka Miroslav, Mgr. Ph.D. Department of Space Physics +420 267 103 057
Hanzlíková Hana, RNDr. Ph.D. Department of Climatology +420 272 016 068 / +420 775 667 522 (mobil)
Hellinger Petr, Dr. Mgr. Group of Numerical Simulations of Heliospheric Plasmas +420 226 258 473
Herčík David, Ing. Ph.D. Group of Numerical Simulations of Heliospheric Plasmas +420 267 103 389
Holoubková Jiřina Technical and Economic Management +420 272 016 047
Horký Jakub, Bc. Department of Ionosphere and Aeronomy +420 487 870 273
Houfek Pavel, Ing. Department of Space Physics +420 267 103 155
Hruška František, Ing. Department of Ionosphere and Aeronomy +420 267 103 305
Hulec Filip, Mgr. Department of Meteorology +420 272 016 039
Huth Radan, prof. RNDr. DrSc. Department of Climatology +420 272 016 046
Chum Jaroslav, Ing. Ph.D. Department of Ionosphere and Aeronomy +420 267 103 056
Imai Masafumi, Ph.D. Department of Space Physics +420 267 103 059
Jánský Jiří, Ing. Department of Space Physics +420 267 103 155
Jírová (Arnoštová) Michaela, Mgr. Department of Space Physics +420 267 103 153
Kaller Ondřej, Ing. Ph.D. Department of Ionosphere and Aeronomy +420 267 103 306
Kalmár Tímea, Ph.D. Department of Climatology +420 272 016 064
Kašpar Marek, RNDr. Ph.D. Department of Meteorology +420 272 016 039
Kašpar Petr, Mgr. Ph.D. Department of Space Physics +420 267 103 057
Kavan Vavřinec Department of Space Physics +420 267 103 300
Kerum Jacek, RNDr. Department of Meteorology +420 272 016 024
Kolínská Andrea, Ing. Department of Space Physics +420 267 103 153
Kolmašová Ivana, Ing. Ph.D. Department of Space Physics +420 267 103 081
Kouba Daniel, Mgr. Ph.D. Department of Ionosphere and Aeronomy +420 272 016 066
Koucká Knížová Petra, RNDr. Ph.D. Department of Ionosphere and Aeronomy +420 272 016 067
Kozubek Michal, RNDr. Ph.D. Department of Ionosphere and Aeronomy +420 267 103 151
Krahulík Robert Department of Meteorology +420 417 872 101
Krauskopf Tomáš, Mgr. Department of Climatology
Križan Peter, RNDr. Ph.D. Department of Ionosphere and Aeronomy +420 267 103 055
Krupař Vratislav, RNDr. Ph.D. Department of Space Physics
Krupařová Oksana, Mgr. Ph.D. Department of Space Physics
Křenek Vít Department of Meteorology +420 417 872 101
Kubalíková Kateřina, Mgr. Technical and Economic Management +420 272 016 023
Kunovjánková Petra Technical and Economic Management
Kvak Róbert, Mgr. Department of Meteorology +420 272 016 051
Kyselý Jan, doc. RNDr. Ph.D. Department of Climatology +420 272 016 068
Lán Radek, Ing. Department of Space Physics +420 267 103 302
Láník Karel Department of Meteorology +420 476 700 311
Láník Metoděj Department of Meteorology +420 476 700 311
Laštovička Jan, RNDr. DrSc. Department of Ionosphere and Aeronomy +420 267 103 055
Lhotka Ondřej, Mgr. Ph.D. Department of Climatology +420 272 016 069
Madara Tomáš Technical and Economic Management +420 272 016 015
Majer Jaroslav Technical and Economic Management
Martínková Marta, Mgr. Ph.D. Department of Climatology
Matúšek Miloš Department of Meteorology +420 417 872 101
Mičko Ján, MPhys Department of Space Physics +420 267 103 153
Mošna Zbyšek, RNDr. Ph.D. Department of Ionosphere and Aeronomy +420 272 016 045
Müller Miloslav, RNDr. Ph.D. Department of Meteorology +420 272 016 039
Naz Falak, Mgr. Department of Climatology
Nováková Alena, Mgr. Technical and Economic Management +420 272 016 011
Obrazová (Burešová) Dalia, Ing. CSc. Department of Ionosphere and Aeronomy +420 272 016 044
Panasenko Sergii, Ph.D. Department of Ionosphere and Aeronomy
Pejchová Plavcová Eva, RNDr. Ph.D. Department of Climatology +420 272 016 063
Pešice Petr, RNDr. Ph.D. Department of Meteorology +420 272 016 040
Píša David, RNDr. Ph.D. Department of Space Physics +420 267 103 053
Plocek Tomáš Technical and Economic Management +420 720 144 909
Podolská Kateřina, RNDr. Ph.D. Department of Ionosphere and Aeronomy +420 267 103 151
Popďakunik Matěj Group of Numerical Simulations of Heliospheric Plasmas +420 267 103 389
Popek Martin Department of Space Physics
Popová Jana, RNDr. Ph.D. Department of Meteorology +420 272 016 009
Potužníková Kateřina, Mgr. Ph.D. Department of Meteorology +420 272 016 019
Ramatheerthan Sunil Kumar , MSc., MPhil. Department of Ionosphere and Aeronomy +420 267 103 303
Rejfek Luboš, Ing. Ph.D. Department of Ionosphere and Aeronomy +420 272 016 066
Rezková Jana, Ing. Technical and Economic Management +420 272 016 023
Rosická Kateřina, Mgr. Department of Space Physics +420 267 103 153
Rulfová Zuzana, RNDr. Ph.D. Department of Climatology +420 272 016 064
Rusz Jan, Mgr. Ph.D. Department of Ionosphere and Aeronomy +420 267 103 056
Růžička Pavel Department of Ionosphere and Aeronomy +420 267 103 301
Řezáčová Daniela, doc. RNDr. CSc. Department of Meteorology +420 272 016 048
Santolík Ondřej, prof. RNDr. Dr. Department of Space Physics +420 267 103 083
Sedlák Pavel, RNDr. CSc. Department of Meteorology +420 272 016 020
Siman Michal Department of Ionosphere and Aeronomy +420 487 870 273
Skripniková Kateřina, Mgr. Ph.D. Department of Meteorology +420 272 016 016
Sokol Zbyněk, doc. RNDr. CSc. Department of Meteorology +420 272 016 037
Souček Jan, Ing. Ph.D. Department of Space Physics +420 267 103 052
Staněk Miloslav, Mgr. Department of Meteorology
Stryhal Jan, Mgr. Ph.D. Department of Climatology +420 272 016 010
Svoboda Pavel Department of Meteorology +420 417 872 101
Svoboda Jaroslav, RNDr. CSc. Department of Meteorology +420 272 016 018
Šimůnek Jiří, RNDr. Ph.D. Department of Ionosphere and Aeronomy +420 487 870 273
Šindelářová Tereza, RNDr. Ph.D. Department of Ionosphere and Aeronomy +420 272 016 017
Špačková Hana, Ing. Department of Space Physics +420 267 103 153
Štverák Štěpán, Ing. Ph.D. Group of Numerical Simulations of Heliospheric Plasmas +420 267 103 389
Talířová Chládová Zuzana, RNDr. Ph.D. Department of Meteorology +420 272 016 016
Taubenschuss Ulrich, Mag. Dr. rer. nat. Department of Space Physics +420 267 103 057
Trávníček Pavel, Dr. Ing. Group of Numerical Simulations of Heliospheric Plasmas +420 226 258 472
Truhlík Vladimír, RNDr. Ph.D. Department of Ionosphere and Aeronomy +420 267 103 058
Uhlíř Luděk, Ing. Department of Space Physics +420 267 103 302
Urban Aleš, Mgr. Ph.D. Department of Climatology +420 272 016 069
Urbář Jaroslav, Mgr. Ph.D. Department of Ionosphere and Aeronomy +420 272 016 066
Uwamahoro Jean Claude, Dr. Department of Ionosphere and Aeronomy
Vojta Jaroslav, Ing. Department of Space Physics +420 267 103 303
Zacharov Petr, RNDr. Ph.D. Department of Meteorology +420 272 016 051
Zacharov st. Petr, RNDr. CSc. Department of Meteorology +420 476 700 311
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