prof. RNDr. Radan Huth, DrSc.

Department:  Department of Climatology
Position: Director
Position: Senior Research Scientist
Phone: +420 272 016 046
Room: 116


  • 2001 - DSc degree received from the Science Council of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic. Thesis: Classification of atmospheric circulation patterns using principal component analysis
  • 1993 - PhD received from the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic. Thesis: Spatio-temporal variations of the mean energy level
  • 1987 - Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Charles University, Prague, specialization meteorology and climatology. Thesis: Diagnostic model of numerical parametres for localization of atmospheric fronts

Employment and academic experience:

  • since 2011 - Dept. of Physical Geography and Geoecology, Faculty of Sciences, Charles University in Prague, professor
  • since 1987 - Institute of Atmospheric Physics, Prague
  • 2006-2011 and since 2021 - director of the Institute of Atmospheric Physics
  • since 2005 - vice-chair of the National Climate Programme of the Czech Republic
  • since 2003 - member of the permanent commission of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic for DSc dissertations in geophysical sciences
  • since 2010 - member of the commission for DSc dissertations in geophysics and meteorology and climatology for Slovakia (nominated 1 July 2010 by the deputy prime minister of Slovakia)


Professional interest:

  • Statistical climatology
  • Synoptic climatology
  • Applications of statistical methods in meteorology and climatology
  • General atmospheric circulation
  • Extraterrestrial effects on climate
  • Climate change detection and climate change modelling


  • MŠMT - OP JAK - CZ.02.01.01/00/22_008/0004605 , EH22_008/0004605 - Přírodní a antropogenní georizika, 2024-2028, investigator (IAP): Huth Radan
  • AV ČR L100422351 , Program podpory perspektivních lidských zdrojů AV ČR (PPLZ) - Kateryna Aksonova, 2024-2025, investigator (IAP): Huth Radan
  • AV ČR L100422251 (560823AHA) , Program podpory perspektivních lidských zdrojů AV ČR (PPLZ) - Alemu Marew Habtamu, 2023-2025, investigator (IAP): Huth Radan
  • GA ČR GA21-07954S , Varying atmospheric variability, 2021-2024, investigator (IAP): Pejchová Plavcová Eva, team: Beranová, R., Dubrovský, M., Huth, R., Kašpar, M., Krauskopf, T., Lhotka, O., Navrátilová, D., Rulfová, Z.
  • MŠMT LD12053 , Assessment of effects of solar variability on atmospheric circulation in reality and models, 2012-2015, investigator (IAP): Huth Radan
  • MŠMT. 7AMB12AR019 , Vlivy proměnlivosti sluneční aktivity na atmosférickou cirkulaci jižní polokoule a jihoamerické klima v časových měřítkách roků až tisíciletí, 2012-2013, investigator (IAP): Huth Radan, team: Novotná, D.
  • GA ČR. GAP209/11/2405 , Vývoj regionálního klimatického modelu pro velmi vysoké rozlišení, 2011-2014, investigator (IAP): Huth Radan, team: Pokorná, L.
  • AV ČR. IAA300420805 , Extraterestrické vlivy na atmosférickou cirkulaci v mírných a vysokých zeměpisných šířkách, 2008-2011, investigator (IAP): Huth Radan, team: Pokorná, L.

