Mgr. Daniel Kouba, Ph.D.
Department: |
Department of Ionosphere and Aeronomy |
Position: |
Head of the ionospheric observatory Pruhonice |
Position: |
Research Scientist |
E-mail: |
Phone: |
+420 272 016 066 |
Room: |
206 |
Employment and academic experience:
Professional interest:
Other info:
- ESA 4000134036/21/D/MRP , BIRA-IASB-SWESNET, 2021-2023, investigator (IAP): Kouba Daniel
- AV ČR. KJB300420904 , Výšková závislost driftů v ionosféře v oblasti 90-150 km, 2009-2011, investigator (IAP): Kouba Daniel
- Szarnya, C., Mošna, Z., Igaz, A., Kouba, D., Verhulst, T.G.W., Koucká Knížová, P., Podolská, K., Barta, V., 2024: Technical Possibilities and Limitations of the DPS-4D Type of Digisonde in Individual Meteor Detections, Remote Sensing, 16, 14, 2658
- Mošna, Z., Barta, V., Berényi, K. A., Mielich, J., Verhulst, T., Kouba, D., Urbář, J., Chum, J., Koucká Knížová, P., Alemu Marew, H., Podolská, K., Bojilova, R., 2024: The March and April 2023 ionospheric storms over Europe, Frontiers in Astronomy and Space Sciences, 22, 1462160
- Barta, V., Bozóki, T., Süle, D. P., Kouba, D., Mielich, J., Raita, T., Buzás, A., 2024: Ionospheric Absorption Variation Based on Ionosonde and Riometer Data and the NOAA D-RAP Model over Europe During Intense Solar Flares in September 2017, Remote Sensing, 16, 21, 3975
- Koucká Knížová, P., Potužníková, K., Podolská, K., Šindelářová, T., Bozóki, T., Setvák, M., Pásztor, M., Szárnya, Cs., Mošna, Z., Kouba, D., Chum, J., Zacharov, P., jr., Buzás, A., Hanzlíková, H., Kozubek, M., Burešová, D., Bozsó, I., Berényi, K. A., Barta, V., 2024: Impacts of Storm “Zyprian” on Middle and Upper Atmosphere Observed from Central European Stations, Remote Sensing, 16, 22, 4338
- Chum, J., Šindelářová, T., Koucká Knížová, P., Podolská, K., Rusz, J., Baše, J., Nakata, H., (...), Laštovička, J., Obrazová, D. Kouba, D., Urbář, J., Truhlík, V., 2023: Atmospheric and ionospheric waves induced by the Hunga eruption on 15 January 2022. Doppler sounding and infrasound, Geophysical Journal International, 233, 2, 1429-1443
- Berényi, K. A., Heilig, B., Urbář, J.,, Kouba, D., Kis, Á., Barta, V., 2023: Comprehensive analysis of the ionospheric response to the largest geomagnetic storms from solar cycle 24 over Europe, Frontiers in Astronomy and Space Sciences, 10, 1092850
- Szárnya, Cs., Chum, J., Podolská, K., Kouba, D., Koucká Knížová, P., Mošna, Z., Barta, V., 2023: Multi-instrumental detection of a fireball during Leonids of 2019, Frontiers in Astronomy and Space Sciences, 10, 1197832
- Buzás, A., Kouba, D., Mielich, J., Burešová, D., Mošna, Z., Koucká Knížová, P., Barta, V., 2023: Investigating the effect of large solar flares on the ionosphere based on novel Digisonde data comparing three different methods, Frontiers in Astronomy and Space Sciences, 10, 1201625
- Koucká Knížová, P., Potužníková, K., Podolská, K., Hannawald, P., Mošna, Z., Kouba, D., Chum, J., Wüst, S., Bittner, M., Kerum, J., 2023: Multi-instrumental observation of mesoscale tropospheric systems in July 2021 with a potential impact on ionospheric variability in midlatitudes, Frontiers in Astronomy and Space Sciences, 10, 1197157
- Haralambous, H., Guerra, M., Chum, J., Verhulst, T.G.W., Barta, V., Altadill, D., Cesaroni, C., Galkin, I., Kiszely, M., Mielich, J., Kouba, D., Burešová, D., Segarra, A., Spogli, L., Rusz, J., Zedník, J., 2023: Multi-Instrument Observations of Various Ionospheric Disturbances Caused by the 6 February 2023 Turkey Earthquake, Journal of Geophysical Research-Space Physics, 128, 12, e2023JA031691
- Verhulst, T., Altadill, D., Barta, V., Belehaki, A., Burešová, Dalia, (...), Kouba, Daniel et al., 2022: Multi-instrument detection in Europe of ionospheric disturbances caused by the 15 January 2022 eruption of the Hunga volcano, Journal of Space Weather and Space Climate, 12, 35
more- Chernigovskaya, M.A., Shpynev, B.G., Yasyukevich, A.S., Khabituev, D.S., Ratovsky, K.G., Belinskaya, A.Yu., Stepanov, A. E., Bychkov, V.V., Grigorieva, S.A., Panchenko, V.A., Kouba, Daniel, Mielich, J., 2021: Longitudinal variations of geomagnetic and ionospheric parameters in the Northern Hemisphere during magnetic storms according to multi-instrument observations, Advances in Space Research, 67, 762-776
- Mošna, Z., Edemskiy, I., Laštovička, J., Kozubek, M., Koucká Knížová, P., Kouba, D., Siddiqui, T.A., 2021: Observation of the Ionosphere in Middle Latitudes during 2009, 2018 and 2018/2019 Sudden Stratospheric Warming Events, Atmosphere, 12, 602
- Koucká Knížová, P., Laštovička, J., Kouba, D., Mošna, Z., Podolská, K., Potužníková, K., Šindelářová, T., Chum, J., Rusz, J., 2021: Ionosphere Influenced From Lower-Lying Atmospheric Regions, Frontiers in Astronomy and Space Sciences, 8, 651445
- Mošna, Zbyšek, Kouba, Daniel, Koucká Knížová, Petra, Burešová, Dalia, Chum, Jaroslav, Šindelářová, Tereza, Urbář, Jaroslav, Boška, Josef, Saxonbergová-Jankovičová, Dana, 2020: Ionospheric storm of September 2017 observed at ionospheric station Pruhonice, the Czech Republic, Advances in Space Research, 65, 1, 115-128
- Koucká Knížová, Petra, Podolská, Kateřina, Potužníková, Kateřina, Kouba, Daniel, Mošna, Zbyšek, Boška, Josef, Kozubek, Michal, 2020: Evidence of vertical coupling: Meteorological storm Fabienne on 23 September 2018 and its related effects observed up to the ionosphere, Annales Geophysicae, 38, 73-93
- Ferreira, A.A., Borries, C., Xiong, Ch., Borges, R.A., Mielich, J., Kouba, Daniel, 2020: Identification of potential precursors for the occurrence of Large-Scale Traveling Ionospheric Disturbances in a case study during September 2017, Journal of Space Weather and Space Climate, 10
- Rejfek, Luboš, Kouba, Daniel, Mošna, Zbyšek, Koucká Knížová, Petra, Tran, P.T., Dong, Ch.S.-T., 2019: Passive ionospheric radar builds with USRP N210, Journal of Electrical Engineering - Elektrotechnický časopis, 70, 2, 159-164
- Chernigovskaya, M.A., Shpynev, B.G., Khabituev, D.S., Ratovsky, K.G., Belinskaya, A.Yu., Stepanov, A.E., Bychkov, V.V., Grigorieva, S.A., Panchenko, V.A., Kouba, Daniel, Mielich, J., 2019: Долготные вариации ионосферных и геомагнитных параметров в северном полушарии во время сильных магнитных бурь 2015 г, Sovremennye Problemy Distantsionnogo Zondirovaniya Zemli iz Kosmosa, 16, 5, 336-347
- Paul, K.S. - Haralambous, H. - Oikonomou, Ch. - Paul, A. - Belehaki, A. - Tsagouri, I. - Kouba, Daniel - Burešová, Dalia, 2018: Multi-station investigation of spread F over Europe during low to high solar activity, Journal of Space Weather and Space Climate, 8 , A27
- Mošna, Zbyšek; Boška, Josef; Koucká Knížová, Petra; Šindelářová, Tereza; Kouba, Daniel; Chum, Jaroslav; Rejfek, Luboš; Potužníková, Kateřina; Arikan, F.; Toker, C., 2018: Observation of the solar eclipse of 20 March 2015 at the Pruhonice station, Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics, 171, 277-284
- Koucká Knížová, Petra; Georgieva, K.; Mošna, Zbyšek; Kozubek, Michal; Kouba, Daniel; Kirov, B.; Potužníková, Kateřina; Boška, Josef, 2018: Solar signals detected within neutral atmospheric and ionospheric parameters, Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics , 171, 147-156
- Reinisch, B., Galkin, I., Belehaki, A., Paznukhov, V., Huang, X., Altadill, D., Burešová, Dalia, Mielich, J., Verhulst, T., Stankov, S., Blanch, E., Kouba, Daniel, Hamel, R., Kozlov, A., Tsagouri, I., Mouzakis, A., Messerotti, M., Parkinson, M., Ishii, M., 2018: Pilot ionosonde network for identification of traveling ionospheric disturbances, Radio Science, 53, 3, 365-378
- Kouba, Daniel, Chum, Jaroslav, 2018: Ground-based measurements of ionospheric dynamics, Journal of Space Weather and Space Climate, 8, A29
- Šindelářová, Tereza, Mošna, Zbyšek, Chum, Jaroslav, Kouba, Daniel, Baše, Jiří, Liu, J. Y., Katamzi-Joseph, Z., 2018: Solar eclipse effects in the ionosphere observed by continuous Doppler sounding, Advances in Space Research, 62, 4, 785-800
- Chernigovskaya, M., Shpynev, B., Yasyukevich, A., Mylnikova, A., Khabituev, D.S., Koucká Knížová, Petra, Kouba, Daniel, Mielich, J., Kozlovsky, A., 2018: Ионосферная изменчивость над Европой зимой по данным ионозондов и GPS/ГЛОНАСС, Sovremennye Problemy Distantsionnogo Zondirovaniya Zemli iz Kosmosa, 15, 4
- Záhlava, J., Němec, F., Santolík, Ondřej, Kolmašová, Ivana, Parrot, M., Kouba, Daniel, 2018: Selective attenuation of lightning generated whistlers at extra low frequencies: DEMETER spacecraft observations, Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics, 123, 10, 8631-8640
- Borries, C.; Jakowski, N.; Kauristie, K.; Amm, O.; Mielich, J.; Kouba, Daniel, 2017: On the dynamics of Large-Scale Travelling Ionospheric Disturbances over Europe on 20th November 2003, Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics, 122, 1, 1199–1211
- Verhulst, T.; Altadill, D.; Mielich, J.; Reinisch, B.; Galkin, I.; Mouzakis, A.; Belehaki, A.; Burešová, Dalia; Stankov, S.; Blanch, E.; Kouba, Daniel, 2017: Vertical and oblique HF sounding with a network of synchronised ionosondes, Advances in Space Research , 60, 8, 1644-1656
- Kouba, Daniel ; Koucká Knížová, Petra, 2016: Ionospheric vertical drift response at a mid-latitude station, Advances in Space Research, 58, 1, 108-116
- Laštovička, Jan; Burešová, Dalia; Kouba, Daniel; Križan, Peter, 2016: Stability of solar correction for calculating ionospheric trends, Annales Geophysicae, 34, 12, 1191-1196
- Rejfek, Luboš ; Mošna, Zbyšek ; Kouba, Daniel ; Boška, Josef ; Burešová, Dalia, 2015: Application of digital filters to check quality of the automatically scaled ionograms, Journal of Electrical Engineering - Elektrotechnický časopis, 66, 3, 164-168
- Koucká Knížová, Petra ; Mošna, Zbyšek ; Kouba, Daniel ; Potužníková, Kateřina ; Boška, Josef, 2015: Influence of meteorological systems on the ionosphere over Europe, Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics, 136, Part B, 244–250
- Laštovička, Jan ; Boška, Josef ; Burešová, Dalia ; Kouba, Daniel, 2012: High historical values of foEs — Reality or artefact?, Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics, 74, -, 51-54
- Georgieva, K. ; Kirov, B. ; Koucká Knížová, P. ; Mošna, Z. ; Kouba, D. ; Asenovska, Y., 2012: Solar influences on atmospheric circulation, Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics, 90-91, SI, 15-25
- Kouba, D. ; Koucká Knížová, P., 2012: Analysis of digisonde drift measurements quality, Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics, 90-91, 212-221
- Radicella, S. M. ; Šauli, Petra ; Jakowski, N. ; Kouba, Daniel ; Portillo, A. ; Herraiz, M. ; Strangeways, H. J. ; Zernov, N. ; Gherm, V., 2009: Space Plasma Effects, Annals of Geophysics, 52, 359-372
- Kouba, Daniel ; Boška, Josef ; Galkin, I. A. ; Santolík, Ondřej ; Šauli, Petra, 2008: Ionospheric drift measurements: Skymap points selection, Radio Science, 43, 1, RS1S90/1-RS1S90/11
- Šauli, Petra ; Mošna, Zbyšek ; Boška, Josef ; Kouba, Daniel ; Laštovička, Jan ; Altadill, D., 2007: Comparison of true-height elektron density profiles derived by POLAN and NHPC methods, Studia geophysica et geodaetica, 51, 3, 449-459