Ing. David Herčík, Ph.D.
Department: |
Group of Numerical Simulations of Heliospheric Plasmas |
Position: |
Position: |
Research Scientist |
E-mail: |
Phone: |
+420 267 103 389 |
Room: |
G309 |
Employment and academic experience:
Professional interest:
Other info:
- Štverák, Š., Herčík, D., Nicolaou, G., Hellinger, P., Popd´akunik, M., Khotyaintsev, Y. V., Kataria, D. O., Owen, C. J., Maksimovic, M., 2025: Effects of cold electron emissions on thermal plasma measurements on board Solar Orbiter spacecraft, Astronomy & Astrophysics, 693, A185
- Otto, K., Ho, T., Ulamec, S., Bibring, J., Biele, J., Grott, M., Hamm, M., Herčík, D., et al., 2023: MASCOT´s in situ analysis of asteroid Ryugu in the context of regolith samples and remote sensing data returned by Hayabusa2, Earth Planets and Space, 75, 1, 51
- Spietz, P., Sproewitz, T., Seefeldt, P., (...), Herčík, David, 2021: Paths not taken - The GOSSAMER roadmap´s other options, Advances in Space Research, 67, 9, 2912-2956
- Herčík, David ; Trávníček, Pavel M. ; Štverák, Štěpán ; Hellinger, Petr, 2016: Properties of Hermean plasma belt: Numerical simulations and comparison with MESSENGER data, Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics, 121, 1, 413-431
- Herčík, David ; Trávníček, Pavel M. ; Johnson, J. R. ; Kim, E. -H. ; Hellinger, Petr, 2013: Mirror mode structures in the asymmetric Hermean magnetosheath: Hybrid simulations, Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics, 118, 1, 405-417
- Trávníček, Pavel M. ; Schriver, D. ; Hellinger, Petr ; Herčík, David ; Anderson, B.J. ; Sarantos, M. ; Slavin, J.A., 2010: Mercury"s magnetosphere-solar wind interaction for northward and southward interplanetary magnetic field: Hybrid simulation results, Icarus, 209, 1, 11-22
- Trávníček, Pavel M. ; Hellinger, Petr ; Schriver, D. ; Herčík, David ; Slavin, J.A. ; Anderson, B.J., 2009: Kinetic instabilities in Mercury"s magnetosphere: Three-dimensional simulation results, Geophysical Research Letters, 36, L07104/1-L07104/5