Tímea Kalmár, Ph.D.
Department: | Department of Climatology |
Position: | Research Scientist |
E-mail: | |
Phone: | +420 272 016 064 |
Room: | 204 |
- 2024: PhD in Earth Sciences, Doctoral School of Earth Sciences – Meteorology program, Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest, Hungary
- 2017: MSc in Meteorology - Specialization as Weather Forecaster, Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest, Hungary
- 2015: BSc in Earth Sciences - Specialization in Meteorology, Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest, Hungary
Employment and academic experience:
- January 2025 –: Research Scientist at Department of Climatology, Institute of Atmospheric Physics, Czech Academy of Sciences, Prague, Czech Republic
- November 2023 – December 2025: Collaboration (work assignment contract) with HUN-REN Research Centre for Astronomy and Earth Sciences, Budapest, Hungary
- April 2022 –: Assistant Research Fellow at Eötvös Loránd University, Department of Meteorology, Budapest, Hungary
- January 2021 – July 2021: ÚNKP-20-3 New National Excellence Programme – Research Scholarship Applications for PhD Students, Department of Meteorology, Budapest, Hungary
- October 2017 – March 2018: Assistant Research Fellow at Eötvös Loránd University, Department of Meteorology, Budapest, Hungary
Professional interest:
- Regional climate modelling
- Climate extremes
- Meteorological drought
- Renewable energy
Other info:
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-0405-4404
MTMT (The Hungarian Scientific Bibliography): https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/author/10060846?&labelLang=eng
- 2022–2026: RRF-2.3.1-21-2022-00014, National Multidisciplinary Laboratory for Climate Change 5.C: Impacts of climate change in different sectors, Supervisor: Zoltán Barcza, Department of Meteorology, Eötvös Loránd University https://klimavaltozas.org/index.php/en/
- 2018–2024: OTKA K129162 project: Effects of the large scale circulation characteristics to regional climate conditions: estimated trends, extreme events, Supervisor: Rita Pongrácz, Department of Meteorology, Eötvös Loránd University http://nyilvanos.otka-palyazat.hu/index.php?menuid=930&lang=EN&num=129162
International experience:
- May 2022: Professional and Communications Training for Scientists, online
- November 2021: 10th ICTP Workshop on the Theory and Use of Regional Climate Models, online
- September 2021 – March 2022: ERASMUS+ traineeship at the Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics (ICTP), Trieste, Italy
- October 2019 – December 2019: Short visiting scientist at Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics (ICTP), Trieste, Italy
- September 2019: Training School on Statistical Modelling of Compound Events, Como, Italy
- July 2019: 2nd ICTP Summer School on Theory, Mechanisms and Hierarchical Modelling of Climate Dynamics: Convective Organization and Climate Sensitivity, Trieste, Italy
- September 2018 – January 2019: ERASMUS+ traineeship at the Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics (ICTP), Trieste, Italy
- May 2018: Ninth ICTP Workshop on the Theory and Use of Regional Climate Models, Trieste, Italy
- Kalmár, T., Pongrácz, R., Pieczka, I., Hollós, R. (2024): Evaluation of RegCM simulation ensemble using different parameterization scheme combinations: a case study for an extremely wet year in the Carpathian region. Climate Dynamics, 62, 8201–8225. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00382-024-07333-9
- Kalmár, T., Kristóf, E., Hollós, R., Pieczka, I., Pongrácz, R. (2023): Quantifying uncertainties related to observational datasets used as reference for regional climate model evaluation over complex topography — a case study for the wettest year 2010 in the Carpathian region. Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 153(807–828). https://doi.org/10.1007/s00704-023-04491-4
- Kalmár, T., Pieczka, I., Pongrácz, R. (2021): A sensitivity analysis of the different setups of the RegCM4.5 model for the Carpathian region. International Journal of Climatology, 41(S1), E1180–E1201. https://doi.org/10.1002/joc.6761
- Santos, V. M., Casas-Prat, M., Poschlod, B., Ragno, E., van den Hurk, B., Hao, Z., Kalmár, T., Zhu, L., Najafi, H. (2021): Statistical modelling and climate variability of compound surge and precipitation events in a managed water system: A case study in the Netherlands. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 25(6), 3595–3615. https://doi.org/10.5194/hess-25-3595-2021
- Pieczka, I., Pongrácz, R., Németh, C. P., Kalmár, T. (2019): Analysis of regional climate model simulations for Central Europe as a potential tool to assess weather-related air quality conditions. International Journal of Environment and Pollution, 66(1-3), 98-116. https://doi.org/10.1504/IJEP.2019.104524