RNDr. Jan Laštovička, DrSc.
Department: | Department of Ionosphere and Aeronomy |
Position: | Head of the Department |
Position: | Senior Research Scientist |
E-mail: | |
Phone: | +420 267 103 055 |
Room: | G316 |
Graduated in geophysics (1996) at the Faculty of Mathematics and Physics of Charles University in Prague. CSc (= PhD) 1973, RNDr. 1974, DrSc (= Research Professor or DSc) 1987, all in geophysics.
Professional interest:
Scientific activity: Physics and aeronomy of the ionosphere, long-term trends in the ionosphere-atmosphere system, solar-terrestrial relations, impact of space weather and atmospheric waves on the ionosphere, ozone and middle atmospheric dynamics. Author/co-author of more than 320 scientific publications and about 450 scientific talks. H = 29.
International activities: IAGA: vice president 199-2003, now co-chairman WG II.F “Long-term trends in the mesosphere, thermosphere and ionosphere”. COSPAR: member of COSPAR Council, chairman of National Committee. SCOSTEP: member of National Committee, in the past chaired several trend-related working groups. European Geosciences Union (EGU): he was secretary for the ionosphere and thermosphere. Membe rof AGU and AOGS. Organizer/co-organizer more than 30 international meetings. He was member of European Research Council panel for projects of young scientists. He participated in many international projects.
Editorial activities: Co-editor of Advances in Space Research (2010-2013 editor-in-chief). Guest-editor of more than 15 issues of various international journals, editor of section Geophysics and geochemistry of the UNESCO Encyclopedia EOLSS.
Awards: Hlavka medal for lifetime scientific activities. Member of the European Academy of Sciences. Cited in various Who’s Who: International Biographic Centre, Cambridge, UK; American Biographical Institute, Raleigh, USA; Marquis, New York, USA; Madison, USA, Kdo je Kdo, Prague, Czechia.
Other info:
Hobbies: hiking, skiing, history, breakfast.
Family: wife Marcela (RNDr., CSc), son Radek (ing., PhD), granddoughters Dita and Andrea
- GA ČR GA ČR GA24-12188S , Sudden stratospheric warmings, related processes, and their impact on the ionosphere and middle atmosphere (SHAPIRO), 2024-2027, investigator (IAP): Laštovička Jan
- GA ČR GA21-03295S , Long-term trends of anthropogenic and natural origin in the stratosphere and upper atmosphere., 2021-2023, investigator (IAP): Laštovička Jan
- ESA 4000126709/18/NL/IA , VERA: VERtical coupling in Earth´s atmosphere at mid and high latitudes, 2019-2020, investigator (IAP): Laštovička Jan
- GA ČR GA18-01625S , The influence of greenhouse gases and another drivers on long-term trends in the stratosphere-mezosphere-termosphere-ionosphere systém, 2018-2021, investigator (IAP): Laštovička Jan
- GA ČR GA15-03909S , Scenario of long-term trends in the stratosphere-mesosphere-thermosphere-ionosphere system, 2015–2017, investigator (IAP): Laštovička Jan, team: Križan P., Kozubek M.
- HORIZON 2020, projekt ARISE2, ID 653980 , ARISE2 - Atmospheric dynamics Research InfraStructure in Europe 2, 2015-2018, investigator (IAP): Laštovička Jan, team: Šindelářová T. - member of Management Committee, Chum J., Baše J., Fišer J., Hruška F., Obrazová (Burešová) D.
- AV ČR. M100421201 , Coupling v systému atmosféra - ionosféra vyvolaný krátkoperiodickou vlnovou aktivitou, 2012-2015, investigator (IAP): Laštovička Jan
- COST. ES1005 , Dopad sluneční aktivity na horní atmosféru Země, 2012-2014, investigator (IAP): Laštovička Jan
- MŠMT 7E1202 , Atmospheric dynamics InfraStructure in Europe (ARISE), 2012-2014, investigator (IAP): Laštovička Jan, team: Laštovička, J.
- EU, 7th FP , ARISE, 2012-2014, investigator (IAP): Laštovička Jan, team: Laštovička, J.
- MŠMT. LD12070 , Dopad sluneční aktivity na horní atmosféru Země, 2012-2014, investigator (IAP): Laštovička Jan
- Galileo Supervising Authority (GSA)/ 7. rámcovy program EU. MŠMT. 7E10032 , Podpora vědeckému výzkumu na bázi přijímačů GALILEO E5, 2010–2012, investigator (IAP): Laštovička Jan, team: Boška J., Kouba D., Obrazová (Burešová) D., Mošna Z.
- GA ČR. GAP209/10/1792 , Dlouhodobé změny v systému atmosféra-ionosféra, 2010-2014, investigator (IAP): Laštovička Jan
- EU 7E10032 , Scientific Service Support based on GALILEO E5 Receivers, 2010-2012, investigator (IAP): Laštovička Jan
- SCOSTEP , CAWSES-II (Climate And Weather of the Sun-Earth System) - celosvětový projekt, 2009-2013, investigator (IAP): Laštovička Jan, team: Koucká-Knížová P., Križan P.
- COST ES0803 , Kosmické počasí a klima v ionosféře nad Evropou, 2009-2012, investigator (IAP): Laštovička Jan
- GA ČR. GA205/07/1367 , Infrazvukové vlny v ionosféře a termosféře, 2007-2011, investigator (IAP): Laštovička Jan
- ESA. SSA-P2-SWE-1.4 , Space Situation Awareness - Ionospheric Space Weather, 2015-2017, investigator (IAP): Laštovička Jan, team: Kouba D., Koucká Knížová P., Obrazová (Burešová) D, Boška J., Rejfek L.
- Urbář, J., Laštovička, J., 2025: Global long-term trends in the total electron content, Annales Geophysicae, 43, 1, 67-72
- Laštovička, J., 2024: Dependence of long-term trends in foF2 at middle latitudes on different solar activity proxies. , Advances in Space Research, 73, 1, 685-689
- Kozubek, M., Križan, P., Ramatheerthan, S. K., Laštovička, J., 2024: Large Ozone Hole in 2023 and the Hunga Tonga Volcanic Eruption, Pure and Applied Geophysics, 181, 2391-2402
- Chum, J., Šindelářová, T., Koucká Knížová, P., Podolská, K., Rusz, J., Baše, J., Nakata, H., (...), Laštovička, J., Obrazová, D. Kouba, D., Urbář, J., Truhlík, V., 2023: Atmospheric and ionospheric waves induced by the Hunga eruption on 15 January 2022. Doppler sounding and infrasound, Geophysical Journal International, 233, 2, 1429-1443
- Sivakandan, M., Mielich, J., Renkwitz, T., Chau, J.L., Jaen, J., Laštovička, Jan, 2023: Long-term variations and residual trends in the E, F and sporadic E (Es) layer over Juliusruh, Europe, Journal of Geophysical Research-Space Physics, 128, 4, e2022JA031097
- Laštovička, J., Burešová, D., 2023: Relationships Between foF2 and Various Solar Activity Proxies, Space Weather, 21, 4, e2022SW003359
- Zhang, S.-R., Cnossen, I., Laštovička, J., Elias, A. G., Yue, X., Jacobi, C., Yue, J., Wang, W., Qian, L., Goncharenko, L., 2023: Long-term geospace climate monitoring, Frontiers in Astronomy and Space Sciences, 10, 1139230
- Laštovička, Jan, 2023: Progress in investigating long-term trends in the mesosphere, thermosphere and ionosphere, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 23, 10, 5783-5800
- Zossi, B.S., Medina, F. D., Tan Jun, G., Laštovička, J., Duran, T., Fagre, M., Barbas, B.F.H., Elias, A. G., 2023: Extending the analysis on the best solar activity proxy for long-term ionospheric investigations, Proceedings of the Royal Society A-Mathematical Physical and Engineering Sciences, 479, 2276, 20230225
- Laštovička, Jan, 2022: Long‐Term Changes in Ionospheric Climate in Terms of foF2, Atmosphere, 13, 1, 110
- Laštovička, Jan, 2021: What is the optimum solar proxy for long-term ionospheric investigations, Advances in Space Research, 67, 2-8