RNDr. Pavel Sedlák, CSc.
Department: | Department of Meteorology |
Position: | Research Scientist |
E-mail: | |
Phone: | +420 272 016 020 |
Room: | 20 |
- 1976-1981: Charles University in Prague, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics (graduated in meteorology and climatology)
- 1982: RNDr. degree, Charles University in Prague, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics
- 1994: CSc. (PhD equivalent) degree, Charles University in Prague, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics; thesis: “Parametrization of radiation in atmospheric mesoscale models”
Employment and academic experience:
- since 1982: Institute of Atmospheric Physics of the Czech Academy of Sciences
- 2004-2022: Global Change Research Institute of the Czech Academy of Sciences
Professional interest:
- micrometeorology
- aerosol–cloud interaction
- atmospheric boundary layer (ABL) physics
- parametrization of ABL and land surface processes in numerical models
- MŠMT MŠMT - OP JAK - CZ.02.01.01/00/23_015/0008191 , ACTRIS-CZ RI 3, 2024-2027, investigator (IAP): Sedlák Pavel
- MŠMT LM2023030 , ACTRIS – participation of the Czech Republic, 2023-2026, investigator (IAP): Sedlák Pavel, team: Pešice, P.; Kvak, R.;
- AV ČR Strategie AV21 , City as a Laboratory of Change. Construction, Historical Heritage and Place for Safe and Quality Life , 2020–2024, investigator (IAP): Sedlák Pavel
- TAČR CK01000048 , Forecasting system of road surface condition and temperature of the Czech highways, 2020-2023, investigator (IAP): Zacharov Petr, team: Bližňák, V., Pešice, P., Sedlák, P., Sokol, Z.
- OPPPR CZ.07.1.02/0.0/0.0/16_023/0000117 , Předpověď teploty a stavu povrchu silnic na území Prahy pro zimní období, 2017-2018, investigator (IAP): Řezáčová Daniela, team: Zacharov, P., Bližňák, V., Sedlák, P., Pešice, P., Pop, L.
- AV ČR. Kód IAA300420704 , Tok CO2 nezachytitelný eddy kovariančním měřením v noci, 2008-2011, investigator (IAP): Sedlák Pavel, team: Potužníková K.,Hanslian D.,Hošek J.,Koucká Knížová P.
- Michálek, P., Pospíšil, S., Sedlák, P., 2024: Wind turbulence characteristics over an industrial landscape in neutral atmospheric conditions, Wind and Structures, 39, 2, 111-123
- Bližňák, V., Zacharov, P., jr., Sokol, Z., Pešice, P., Šťástka, J., Sedlák, P., 2023: Impact of satellite-derived cloud cover on road weather forecasts, Atmospheric Research, 292, 106887
- Zíková, N., Pokorná, P., Makeš, O., Rotrekl, J., Sedlák, Pavel, Pešice, Petr, Ždímal, V., 2021: Variability in activation properties in relation to meteorological phenomena, Journal of Hydrometeorology, 22 (10), 2565-2579
- Zíková, N., Pokorná, P., Makeš, O., Sedlák, Pavel, Pešice, Petr, Ždímal, V., 2020: Activation of atmospheric aerosols in fog and low clouds, Atmospheric Environment, 230, 117490
- Jocher, G., Fischer, M., Šigut, L., Pavelka, M., Sedlák, Pavel, Katul, G., 2020: Assessing decoupling of above and below canopy air masses at a Norway spruce stand in complex terrain, Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 294, 108149
- Hanslian, D., Sedlák, P., 2020: Větrné elektrárny - klimatická pohroma?, Chemické listy, 114, 480-483
- Pastorello, G., Trotta, C., Canfora, E., (...), Sedlák, Pavel , 2020: The FLUXNET2015 dataset and the ONEFlux processing pipeline for eddy covariance data, Scientific Data, 7, 225
- Krupková, L., Havránková, K., Krejza, J., Sedlák, Pavel, Marek, M., 2019: Impact of water scarcity on spruce and beech forests, Journal of Forestry Research, 30, 3, 899-909
- McGloin, R., Šigut, L., Havránková, K., Dušek, J., Pavelka, M., Sedlák, Pavel, 2018: Energy balance closure at a variety of ecosystems in Central Europe with contrasting topographies, Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 248, 15, 418-431
- Montagnani, L., Grünwald, T., Kowalski, A., Mammarella, I., Merbold, L., Metzger, S., Sedlák, Pavel, Siebicke, L. ., 2018: Estimating the storage term in eddy covariance measurements: the ICOS methodology, International Agrophysics, 32, 4, 551-567
- Sabbatini, S., Mammarella, I., Arriga, N., Fratini, G., Graf, A., Hörtnagl, L., Ibrom, A., Longdoz, B., Mauder, M., Merbold, L., Metzger, S., Montagnani, L., Pitacco, A., Rebmann, C., Sedlák, Pavel, Šigut, L., Vitale, D., Papale, D., 2018: Eddy covariance raw data processing for CO2 and energy fluxes calculation at ICOS ecosystem stations, International Agrophysics, 32, 4, 495-515