doc. RNDr. Jan Kyselý, Ph.D.
Department: |
Department of Climatology |
Position: |
Position: |
Senior Research Scientist |
E-mail: |
Phone: |
+420 272 016 068 |
Room: |
208 |
Employment and academic experience:
Professional interest:
Other info:
- GA ČR GA25-17587S , Climate change impacts on seasonal mortality variations, 2025-2027, investigator (IAP): Kyselý Jan, team: Hanzlíková, H.; Pejchová Plavcová, E.; Naz, F.
- GA ČR GA22-24920S , Links between weather, epidemics, and seasonal mortality patterns, 2022-2024, investigator (IAP): Kyselý Jan, team: Hanzlíková, H.
- GA ČR GA20-28560S , Driving mechanisms of extremes in reanalysis and climate models, 2020-2022, investigator (IAP): Kyselý Jan, team: Beranová, R., Lhotka, O., Martínková, M., Urban, A., Bešťáková, Z.
- GA ČR GA18-22125S , Modelling weather-to-human health links, 2018-2021, investigator (IAP): Kyselý Jan
- GA ČR GA16-22000S , Spatial and temporal charakteristics of heat waves and cold spells in climate model simulations, 2016 - 2018, investigator (IAP): Kyselý Jan
- MŠMT 7AMB15AR001 , Climate change effects on heat waves and their recurrence probabilities, 2015–2016, investigator (IAP): Kyselý Jan
- GA ČR GA14-18675S , Advanced models of precipitation extremes and their applications in high-resolution climate model simulations, 2014–2016, investigator (IAP): Kyselý Jan, team: Rulfová, Z., Beranová, R.
- MŠMT. 7AMB12AR005 , Horké vlny v měnícím se klimatu: statistická a dynamická perspektiva, 2012-2013, investigator (IAP): Kyselý Jan
- GA ČR. GAP209/11/1985 , Časové a prostorové charakteristiky vazeb mezi počasím a nemocností na kardiovaskulární choroby, 2011-2015, investigator (IAP): Kyselý Jan
- GA ČR. GAP209/10/2265 , Reprodukce vztahů mezi atmosférickou cirkulací a rozděleními přízemní teploty vzduchu a srážek v klimatických modelech, 2010-2014, investigator (IAP): Kyselý Jan, team: Beranová, R.
- GA ČR. GAP209/10/2045 , Modely extrémních hodnot založené na homogenním a nehomogenním Poissonově procesu ve studiu změny klimatu, 2010-2013, lead investigator: Picek Jan (TUL), investigator (IAP): Kyselý Jan, team: Rulfová, Z., Beranová, R.
- Godoy, M.R.V., Markonis, Y., Rakovec, O., Jeníček, M., Dutta, R., Pradhan, R. K., Bešťáková, Z., Kyselý, J., Juras, R., Papalexiou, S.M., Hanel, M., 2024: Water cycle changes in Czechia: a multi-source water budget perspective, Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 28, 1, 1-19
- Domingo, N. G. G., Fiore, A. M., Lamarque, J.-F., Kinney, P. L., Jiang, L., Gasparrini, A., Breitner, S., Lavigne, E., Madureira, J., Masselot, P., da Silva, S.N.P., Ng, C.F.S., Kyselý, J., Guo, Y., Tong, S., Kan, H., Urban, A. et al., 2024: Ozone-related acute excess mortality projected to increase in the absence of climate and air quality controls consistent with the Paris Agreement, One Earth, 7, 2, 325-335
- Madaniyazi, L., Armstrong, B., Tobias, A., Mistry, M.N., Bell, M.L., Urban, A., Kyselý, J. et al., 2024: Seasonality of mortality under climate change: a multicountry projection study, Lancet Planetary Health, 8, 2, e86-e94
- Gao, Y., Huang, W., Zhao, Q., (...), Urban, A., Kyselý, J. et al., 2024: Global, regional, and national burden of mortality associated with cold spells during 2000–19: a three-stage modelling study, Lancet Planetary Health, 8, 2, e108-e116
- Chen, K., de Schrijver, E., Sivaraj, S., Sera, F., Scovronick, N., Jiang, L., Roye, D., Lavigne, E., Kyselý, J., Urban, A. et al., 2024: Impact of population aging on future temperature-related mortality at different global warming levels, Nature Communications, 15, 1796
- Beranová, R., Kyselý, J., 2024: Large-scale heavy precipitation over the Czech Republic and its link to atmospheric circulation in CORDEX regional climate models, Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 155, 6, 4737-4748
- Wen, B., Wu, Y., Guo, Y., Gasparrini, A., Tong, S., Overcenco, A., Urban, A., (...), Kyselý, J. et al., 2024: Comparison for the effects of different components of temperature variability on mortality: A multi-country time-series study, Environment International, 187, 108712
- Yu, W., Huang, W., Gasparrini, A., Sera, F., Schneider, A., Breitner, S., Kyselý, J., Schwartz, J., Madureira, J. et al., 2024: Ambient fine particulate matter and daily mortality: a comparative analysis of observed and estimated exposure in 347 cities, International Journal of Epidemiology, 53, 3, dyae066
- Lhotka, O., Kyselý, J., 2024: Three-dimensional analysis reveals diverse heat wave types in Europe, Communications Earth & Enviroment, 5, 323
- Wu, Y., Wen, B., Gasparrini, A., Armstrong, B., Sera, F., Lavigne, E., Li, S., Guo, Y., Overcenco, A., Urban, A. (...), Kyselý, J. et al., 2024: Temperature frequency and mortality: Assessing adaptation to local temperature, Environment International, 187, 108691
- Hundessa, S., Huang, W., Zhao, Q., Wu, Y., Wen, B., Alahmad, B., Armstrong, B., Gasparrini, A., Sera, F., Tong, S., Madureira, J., Kyselý, J. et al., 2024: Global and Regional Cardiovascular Mortality Attributable to Nonoptimal Temperatures Over Time, Journal of the American College of Cardiology, 83, 23, 2276-2287
more- Bešťáková, Z., Kyselý, J., Lhotka, O., Heilig, M., Eitzinger, J., 2024: Warm-Season Drying Across Europe and Its Links to Atmospheric Circulation, Earth and Space Science, 11, 6, e2023EA003434
- Guo, Q., Mistry, M.N., Zhou, X., (...), Urban, A., Katsouyanni, K., Masselot, P., Tong, S., Sera, F., Huber, V., Bell, M., Kyselý, J., Gasparrini, A., Hashizume, M., Oki, T., 2024: Regional variation in the role of humidity on city-level heat-related mortality, PNAS Nexus, 3, 8, pgae290
- Scovronick, N., Sera, F., Vu, B., (...), Kyselý, J., Urban, A. et al., 2024: Temperature-mortality associations by age and cause: a multi-country multi-city study, Environmental Epidemiology, 8, 5, e336
- Schwarz, M., Peters, A., Stafoggia, M., (...), Urban, A., Vicedo-Cabrera, A.M., Masselot, P., Lavigne, E., Achilleos, S., Kyselý, J. et al., 2024: Temporal variations in the short-term effects of ambient air pollution on cardiovascular and respiratory mortality: a pooled analysis of 380 urban areas over a 22-year period, Lancet Planetary Health, 8, 9, e657-e665
- Lee, W., Kang, C., Park, Ch., (...), Urban, A., Kyselý, J., et al., 2024: Association of holidays and the day of the week with suicide risk: multicountry, two stage, time series study, British Medical Journal, 387, e077262
- He, C., Breitner-Busch, S., Huber, V., (...), Kyselý, J. et al., 2024: Rainfall events and daily mortality across 645 global locations: two stage time series analysis, British Medical Journal, 387, e080944
- Yang, D., Hashizume, M., Tobías, A., (...), Kyselý, J., Urban, A. et al., 2024: Temporal change in minimum mortality temperature under changing climate. A multicountry multicommunity observational study spanning 1986–2015, Environmental Epidemiology, 8, 5, e334
- Feurer, D., Riffe, T., Kniffka, M. S, (...), Kyselý, J., Urban, A. et al., 2024: Meteorological factors, population immunity, and COVID-19 incidence: A global multi-city analysis, Environmental Epidemiology, 8, 6, e338
- Bešťáková, Z., Strnad, F., Godoy, M.R.V., Singh, U., Markonis, Y., Hanel, M., Máca, P., Kyselý, J., 2023: Changes of the aridity index in Europe from 1950 to 2019, Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 151, 587-601
- Rai, M., Stafoggia, M., de Donato, F., (...), Kyselý, J., Urban, A., et al., 2023: Heat-related cardiorespiratory mortality: Effect modification by air pollution across 482 cities from 24 countries, Environment International, 174, 107825
- Masselot, P., Mistry, M., Vanoli, J., (...), Urban, A., (...), Kyselý, J., et al., 2023: Excess mortality attributed to heat and cold: a health impact assessment study in 854 cities in Europe, Lancet Planetary Health, 7, 4, e271-e281
- Lüthi, S., Fairless, Ch., Fischer, E. M., (...), Kyselý, J., Urban, A. et al., 2023: Rapid increase in the risk of heat-related mortality, Nature Communications, 14, 4894
- Lhotka, O., Plavcová, E., Stryhal, J., Kyselý, J., 2023: Scénáře budoucích změn nebezpečných sdružených událostí ve střední Evropě, Meteorologické zprávy, 76, 3, 84-90
- Lhotka, O., Bešťáková, Z., Kyselý, J., 2023: Prolongation of Compound Dry–Hot Seasons Over Europe Under Climate Change Scenarios, Earth´s Future, 11, 9, e2023EF003557
- Eunice Lo, Y.T., Mitchell, D.M., Buzan, J.R., Zscheischler, J., Schneider, R., Mistry, M.N., Kyselý, J., Lavigne, E., da Silva, S.P., Royé, D., Urban, A., Armstrong, B., Gasparrini, A., Vicedo-Cabrera, A.M., 2023: Optimal heat stress metric for modelling heat-related mortality varies from country to country, International Journal of Climatology, 43, 12, 5553-5568
- Stafoggia, M., Michelozzi, P., Schneider, A., (...), Kyselý, J., Urban, A. et al., 2023: Joint effect of heat and air pollution on mortality in 620 cities of 36 countries, Environment International, 181, 108258
- Yang, Z., Huang, W., McKenzie, J. E., Xu, R., Yu, P., Ye, T., Wen, B., Gasparrini, A., Armstrong, B., Tong, S., Lavigne, E., Madureira, J., Kyselý, J., Guo, Y., Li, S., 2023: Mortality risks associated with floods in 761 communities worldwide: time series study, British medical journal, 383, e075081
- Mistry, M.N., Schneider, R., Masselot, P., Royé, D., Armstrong, B., Kyselý, J., Urban, A., et al., 2022: Comparison of weather station and climate reanalysis data for modelling temperature-related mortality, Scientific Reports, 12, 5178
- Wu, Y., Li, S., Zhao, Q., (...), Urban, A., Kyselý, J. et al. , 2022: Global, regional, and national burden of mortality associated with short-term temperature variability from 2000–19: a three-stage modelling study, Lancet Planetary Health, 6, 5, e410-e421
- Choi, H. M., Lee, W., Roye, D., Heo, S., Urban, Aleš, (...), Kyselý, Jan et al., 2022: Effect modification of greenness on the association between heat and mortality: A multi-city multi-country study, EBioMedicine, 84, 104251
- Lhotka, O., Kyselý, J., 2022: The 2021 European Heat Wave in the Context of Past Major Heat Waves, Earth and Space Science, 9, 11, e2022EA002567
- Lhotka, O., Kyselý, J., 2022: Precipitation–temperature relationships over Europe in CORDEX regional climate models, International Journal of Climatology, 42, 9, 4868-4880
- Wu, Y., Wen, B., Shanshan, L., Gasparrini, A., (...), Urban, A., Kyselý, J., at al, 2022: Fluctuating temperature modifies heat-mortality association in the globe, The Innovation, 3, 2, 100225
- Kynčl, J., Špačková, M., Fialová, A., Kyselý, Jan, Malý, M., 2021: Influence of air temperature and implemented veterinary measures on the incidence of human salmonellosis in the Czech Republic during 1998–2017, BMC Public Health, 21, 55
- Meng, X., Liu, C., Chen, R., Sera, F., (...), Kyselý, Jan, Urban, Aleš et al., 2021: Short term associations of ambient nitrogen dioxide with daily total, cardiovascular, and respiratory mortality: multilocation analysis in 398 cities, British Medical Journal, 372, n534
- Urban, Aleš, Di Napoli, C., Cloke, H. L., Kyselý, Jan et al., 2021: Evaluation of the ERA5 reanalysis-based Universal Thermal Climate Index on mortality data in Europe, Environmental Research, 198, 111227
- Vicedo-Cabrera, A.M. - Scovronick, N. - Sera, F. - Roye, D., (...), Kyselý, Jan, Urban, Aleš et al., 2021: The burden of heat-related mortality attributable to recent human-induced climate change, Nature Climate Change, 11, 6, 492-500
- Zhao, Q., Guo, Y., Ye, T., (...), Urban, Aleš, Kyselý, Jan et al., 2021: Global, regional, and national burden of mortality associated with non-optimal ambient temperatures from 2000 to 2019: a three-stage modelling study, Lancet Planetary Health, 5, 7, E415-E425
- Chlapcová, L., Urban, A., Kyselý, J., 2021: Vliv městského prostředí na tepelnou zátěž v centru Prahy, Meteorologické zprávy, 74, 4, 113-120
- Godoy, M.R.V., Markonis, Y., Hanel, M., Kyselý, Jan, Papalexiou, S.M., 2021: The Global Water Cycle Budget: A Chronological Review, Surveys in Geophysics, 42, 5, 1075-1107
- Tobías, A., Hashizume, M., Honda, Y., (...), Kyselý, Jan, Urban, Aleš, 2021: Geographical Variations of the Minimum Mortality Temperature at a Global Scale: A Multicountry Study, Environmental epidemiology, 5, 5, e169
- Chen, G., Guo, Y., Yue, X., (...), Urban, Aleš, Kyselý, Jan et al., 2021: Mortality risk attributable to wildfire-related PM2·5 pollution: a global time series study in 749 locations, Lancet Planetary Health, 5, 9, E579-E587
- Urban, Aleš, Kyselý, Jan, Plavcová, Eva, Hanzlíková, Hana, Štěpánek, Petr, 2020: Temporal changes in years of life lost associated with heat waves in the Czech Republic, Science of The Total Environment, 716, 137093
- Vicedo-Cabrera, A.M., Sera, (...), Kyselý, Jan, Urban, Aleš et al., 2020: Short term association between ozone and mortality: global two stage time series study in 406 locations in 20 countries, British medical journal, 368
- Martínková, Marta, Kyselý, Jan, 2020: Overview of Observed Clausius-Clapeyron Scaling of Extreme Precipitation in Midlatitudes, Atmosphere, 11
- Lhotka, Ondřej, Trnka, M., Kyselý, Jan, Markonis, Y., Balek, J., Možný, M., 2020: Atmospheric Circulation as a Factor Contributing to Increasing Drought Severity in Central Europe., Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 125, e2019JD032269
- Rulfová, Zuzana, Beranová, Romana, Kyselý, Jan, 2019: Charakteristiky konvekčních a vrstevnatých srážek na stanicích v České republice v letech 1982-2016, Meteorologické zprávy, 72, 1, 11-18
- Lee, J. Y., Kim, H., Gasparrini, (...), Kyselý, Jan, Urban, Aleš, (...), 2019: Predicted temperature-increase-induced global health burden and its regional variability, Environment International, 131, 105027
- Liu, C., Chen, R., (...). Kyselý, Jan, Urban, Aleš, (...), 2019: Ambient Particulate Air Pollution and Daily Mortality in 652 Cities, New England Journal of Medicine, 381, 8, 705-715
- Armstrong, B., Sera, F. (...) Kyselý, Jan, Urban, Aleš, 2019: The Role of Humidity in Associations of High Temperature with Mortality: A Multiauthor, Multicity Study, Environmental health perspectives, 127, 9, 097007
- Lhotka, Ondřej, Kyselý, Jan, 2019: Vlny veder ve střední Evropě - přehled současných poznatků, Meteorologické zprávy, 72, 5, 152-156
- Plavcová, Eva, Kyselý, Jan, 2019: Temporal Characteristics of Heat Waves and Cold Spells and Their Links to Atmospheric Circulation in EURO-CORDEX RCMs, Advances in Meteorology, 2019, 2178321
- Urban, Aleš, Hondula, D. M., Hanzlíková, Hana, Kyselý, Jan, 2019: The predictability of heat-related mortality in Prague, Czech Republic, during summer 2015 - a comparison of selected thermal indices, International Journal of Biometeorology, 63, 4, 535-548
- Urban, Aleš ; Kyselý, Jan, 2018: Application of spatial synoptic classification in evaluating links between heat stress and cardiovascular mortality and morbidity in Prague, Czech Republic, International Journal of Biometeorology, 62, 1, 85-96
- Lhotka, Ondřej; Kyselý, Jan; Farda, A., 2018: Climate change scenarios of heat waves in Central Europe and their uncertainties, Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 131, 3-4, 1043-1054
- Beranová, Romana; Kyselý, Jan; Hanel, M., 2018: Characteristics of sub-daily precipitation extremes in observed data and regional climate model simulations, Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 132, 1-2, 515-527
- Collazo, S.; Lhotka, Ondřej; Rusticucci, M.; Kyselý, Jan, 2018: Capability of the SMHI-RCA4 RCM driven by the ERA-Interim reanalysis to simulate heat waves in Argentina, International Journal of Climatology, 38, 1, 483-496
- Lhotka, Ondřej; Kyselý, Jan; Plavcová, Eva, 2018: Evaluation of major heat waves’ mechanisms in EURO-CORDEX RCMs over Central Europe, Climate Dynamics , 50, 11-12 , 4249–4262
- Beranová, Romana; Kyselý, Jan, 2018: Trends of precipitation characteristics in the Czech Republic over 1961–2012, their spatial patterns and links to temperature and the North Atlantic Oscillation, International Journal of Climatology, 38, Suppl. 1, E596-E606
- Markonis, Y., Hanel, M., Máca, P., Kyselý, Jan, Cook, E., 2018: Persistent multi-scale fluctuations shift European hydroclimate to its millennial boundaries, Nature Communications, 9, 1, 1767
- Hanel, M., Rakovec, O., Markonis, Y., Máca, P., Samaniego, L., Kyselý, Jan, Kumar, R., 2018: Revisiting the recent European droughts from a long-term perspective, Scientific Reports, 8 , 9499
- Lhotka, Ondřej, Kyselý, Jan, 2018: Circulation‐Conditioned Wintertime Temperature Bias in EURO‐CORDEX Regional Climate Models Over Central Europe, Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 123, 16, 8661-8673
- Vicedo-Cabrera, A.M., Guo, Y., Sera, F., Huber, V., Schleussner, C.-F., Mitchell, D., Tong, S., Coelho, M. S. Z. S., Saldiva, P. H. N., Lavigne, E., Correa, P.M., Ortega, N. V., Kan, H., Osorio, S., Kyselý, Jan, Urban, Aleš, Jaakkola, J.J.K., Ryti, N.R.I., Pascal, M., Goodman, P.G., Zeka, A., Michelozzi, P., Scortichini, M., Hashizume, M., Honda, Y., Hurtado-Diaz, M., Cruz, J.C., Seposo, X., Kim, H., Tobias, A., Iniguez, C., Forsberg, B., Åström, D.O., Ragettli, M.S., Rőősli, M., Guo, Y.L., Wu, Ch., Zanobetti, A., Schwartz, J., Bell, M.L., Dang, T.N., Van, D.D., Heaviside, C., Vardoulakis, S., Hajat, S., Haines, A., Armstrong, B., Ebi, K.L., Gasparrini, A., 2018: Temperature-related mortality impacts under and beyond Paris Agreement climate change scenarios, Climatic Change, 15, 3-4, 391-402
- Rulfová, Zuzana; Beranová, Romana; Kyselý, Jan, 2017: Climate change scenarios of convective and large-scale precipitation in the Czech Republic based on EURO-CORDEX data, International Journal of Climatology, 37, 5, 2451–2465
- Svoboda, V.; Hanel, M.; Máca, P.; Kyselý, Jan, 2017: Characteristics of rainfall events in regional climate model simulations for the Czech Republic, Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 21, 963-980
- Gasparrini, A.; Guo, Y.; Sera, F.; Vicedo-Cabrera, A.M.; Huber, V.; Tong, S.; Coelho; Saldiva; Lavigne, E.; Correa, P.M.; Ortega, Nicolas Valdes; Kan, H.; Osorio, S.; Kyselý, Jan; Urban, Aleš; Jaakkola, J.J.K.; Ryti, N.R.I.; Pascal, M.; Goodman, P.G.; Zeka, A.; Michelozzi, P.; Scortichini, M.; Hashizume, M.; Honda, Y.; Hurtado-Diaz, M.; Cruz, J.C.; Seposo, X.; Kim, H.; Tobias, A.; Iñiguez, C.; Forsberg, B.; Åström, D.O.; Ragettli, M.S.; Guo, Y.L.; Wu, Ch.; Zanobetti, A.; Schwartz, J.; Bell, M.L.; Dang, T.N.; Van, D.D.; Heaviside, C.; Vardoulakis, S.; Hajat, S.; Haines, A.; Armstrong, B., 2017: Projections of temperature-related excess mortality under climate change scenarios, Lancet Planetary Health, 1, 9, e360-e367
- Skarka, M. - Mašek, Martin - Brát, L. - Cagaš, P.A. - Juryšek, J. - Hoňková, K. - Zejda, M. - Šmelcer, L. - Jelínek, Martin - Lomoz, F. - Tylšar, M. - Trnka, J. - Pejcha, O. - Pintr, P. - Lehký, M. - Janík, J. - Červinka, L. - Tylšar, M. - Přibík, V. - Motl, D. - Walter, F. - Zasche, P. - Koss, K. - Hájek, P. - Bílek, F. - Liška, J. - Kučáková, H. - Bodnár, F. - Beránek, J. - Šafář, J. - Moudrá, M. - Oršulák, M. - Pintr, M. - Sobotka, P. - Dřevěný, R. - Juráňová, A. - Polák, J. - Polster, J. - Onderková, K. - Smolka, M. - Auer, R.F. - Kocián, R. - Hladík, B. - Cagaš, P. - Greš, A. - Müller, D. - Čapková, H. - Kyselý, Jan - Hornoch, Kamil - Truparová, S. - Timko, L. - Brož, M. - Bílek, Michal - Šebela, P. - Hanžl, D. - Žampachová, E. - Secká, J. - Pravec, Petr - Mrňák, P. - Svoboda, P. - Ehrenberger, R. - Novotný, F. - Poddaný, S. - Prudil, Z. - Kuchťák, B. - Štegner, D., 2017: CzeV - The Czech Variable Star Catalogue, Open European Journal on Variable stars, 185, 1-42
- Urban, Aleš; Hanzlíková, Hana; Kyselý, Jan; Plavcová, Eva, 2017: Impacts of the 2015 Heat Waves on Mortality in the Czech Republic—A Comparison with Previous Heat Waves, Environmental Research and Public Health, 14, 12, 1562
- Kyselý, Jan ; Rulfová, Zuzana ; Farda, Aleš ; Hanel, M. , 2016: Convective and stratiform precipitation characteristics in an ensemble of regional climate model simulations, Climate Dynamics, 46, 1, 227-243
- Rusticucci, M. ; Kyselý, Jan ; Almeira, G. ; Lhotka, Ondřej, 2016: Long-term variability of heat waves in Argentina and recurrence probability of the severe 2008 heat wave in Buenos Aires, Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 124, 3, 679-689
- Plavcová, Eva ; Kyselý, Jan, 2016: Overly persistent circulation in climate models contributes to overestimated frequency and duration of heat waves and cold spells, Climate Dynamics, 46, 9, 2805-2820
- Hanel, M. ; Pavlásková, A. ; Kyselý, Jan , 2016: Trends in characteristics of sub-daily heavy precipitation and rainfall erosivity in the Czech Republic, International Journal of Climatology , 36, 4, 1833–1845
- Rulfová, Zuzana ; Buishand, A. ; Roth, M. ; Kyselý, Jan, 2016: A two-component generalized extreme value distribution for precipitation frequency analysis, Journal of Hydrology, 534, 659–668
- Urban, Aleš ; Burkart, K. ; Kyselý, Jan ; Schuster, Ch. ; Plavcová, Eva ; Hanzlíková, Hana ; Štěpánek, P. ; Lakes, T., 2016: Spatial patterns of heat-related cardiovascular mortality in the Czech Republic, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 13, 3
- Svoboda, V.; Hanel, M.; Máca, P.; Kyselý, Jan, 2016: Projected changes of rainfall event characteristics for the Czech Republic, Journal of Hydrology and Hydromechanics, 64, 4, 415–425
- Beranová, Romana ; Kyselý, Jan, 2016: Links between circulation indices and precipitation in the Mediterranean in an ensemble of regional climate models, Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 123, 3 , 693-701
- Hanzlíková, Hana ; Plavcová, Eva ; Kynčl, J. ; Kříž, B. ; Kyselý, Jan, 2015: Contrasting patterns of hot spell effects on morbidity and mortality for cardiovascular diseases in the Czech Republic, 1994–2009, International Journal of Biometeorology, 59, 11 , 1673-1684
- Lhotka, Ondřej ; Kyselý, Jan, 2015: Characterizing joint effects of spatial extent, temperature magnitude and duration of heat waves and cold spells over Central Europe, International Journal of Climatology, 35, 7, 1232–1244
- Lhotka, Ondřej ; Kyselý, Jan, 2015: Spatial and temporal characteristics of heat waves over Central Europe in an ensemble of regional climate model simulations, Climate Dynamics, 45, 9 , 2351-2366
- Lhotka, Ondřej ; Kyselý, Jan, 2015: Hot Central-European summer of 2013 in a long-term context, International Journal of Climatology, 35 , 14 , 4399-4407
- Urban, Aleš ; Kyselý, Jan, 2014: Comparison of UTCI with other thermal indices in the assessment of heat and cold effects on cardiovascular mortality in the Czech Republic, , International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 11, 1, 952-967
- Plavcová, Eva ; Kyselý, Jan, 2014: Effects of sudden air pressure changes on hospital admissions for cardiovascular diseases in Prague, 1994–2009, International Journal of Biometeorology, 58, 6, 1327-1337
- Plavcová, Eva ; Kyselý, Jan ; Štěpánek, Petr, 2014: Links between circulation types and precipitation in Central Europe in the observed data and regional climate model simulations, International Journal of Climatology, 34, 9, 2885–2898
- Urban, Aleš, Davídkovová, Hana, Kyselý, Jan, 2014: Heat- and cold-stress effects on cardiovascular mortality and morbidity among urban and rural populations in the Czech Republic, International Journal of Biometeorology, 58, 1057-1068
- Davídkovová, Hana ; Plavcová, Eva ; Kynčl, J. ; Kyselý, Jan, 2014: Impacts of hot and cold spells differ for acute and chronic ischaemic heart diseases, BMC Public Health, 14, 480, -
- Rulfová, Zuzana ; Kyselý, Jan, 2014: Trends of convective and stratiform precipitation in the Czech Republic, 1982–2010, Advances in Meteorology, online
- Gaál, Ladislav ; Beranová, Romana ; Hlavčová, K. ; Kyselý, Jan, 2014: Climate change scenarios of precipitation extremes in the Carpathian region based on an ensemble of regional climate models, Advances in Meteorology, 2014, -
- Beranová, Romana ; Kyselý, Jan, 2013: Relationships between the North Atlantic Oscillation index and temperatures in Europe in global climate models, Studia geophysica et geodaetica, 57, 1, 138-153
- Rulfová, Zuzana ; Kyselý, Jan, 2013: Disaggregating convective and stratiform precipitation from station weather data, Atmospheric Research, 134, 100-115
- Kyselý, Jan ; Gaál, L. ; Picek, J. ; Schindler, M., 2013: Return periods of the August 2010 heavy precipitation in northern Bohemia (Czech Republic) in the present climate and under climate change, Journal of Water and Climate Change, 4, -, 265-286
- Davídkovová, Hana ; Kyselý, Jan ; Kříž, B. ; Vojtíšek, P. ; Bobák, M., 2013: Trends in cardiovascular mortality and hospitalisations, and potential contribution of inhospital case-fatality rates to changes in national mortality in the Czech Republic 1994-2009, Heart, 99, 6, 409-416
- Plavcová, Eva ; Kyselý, Jan, 2013: Projected evolution of circulation types and their temperatures over Central Europe in climate models, Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 114, 3-4, 625-634
- Kyselý, Jan ; Plavcová, Eva, 2012: Declining impacts of hot spells on mortality in the Czech Republic, 1986-2009: adaptation to climate change?, Climatic Change, 113, 2, 437-453
- Kyselý, Jan ; Plavcová, Eva, 2012: Biases in the diurnal temperature range in Central Europe in an ensemble of regional climate models and their possible causes, Climate Dynamics, 39, 6, 1275-1286
- Plavcová, Eva ; Kyselý, Jan, 2012: Atmospheric circulation in regional climate models over Central Europe: links to surface air temperature and the influence of driving data, Climate Dynamics, 39, 7-8, 1681-1695
- Kyselý, Jan ; Beguería, S. ; Beranová, Romana ; Gaál, Ladislav ; López-Moreno, J. I, 2012: Different patterns of climate change scenarios for short-term and multi-day precipitation extremes in the Mediterranean, Global and Planetary Change, 98-99, - , 63-72
- Kyselý, Jan, Plavcová, Eva, Davídkovová, Hana, Kynčl, J., 2011: Comparison of hot and cold spell effects on cardiovascular mortality in individual population groups in the Czech Republic, Climate Research, 49, 2, 113-129
- Kyselý, Jan ; Gaál, Ladislav ; Beranová, Romana ; Plavcová, Eva, 2011: Climate change scenarios of precipitation extremes in Central Europe from ENSEMBLES regional climate models, Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 104, 3-4, 529-542
- Kyselý, Jan ; Gaál, Ladislav ; Picek, J. , 2011: Comparison of regional and at-site approaches to modelling probabilities of heavy precipitation, International Journal of Climatology, 31, 10, 1457-1472
- Kyselý, Jan ; Gaál, Ladislav ; Beranová, Romana, 2011: Projected changes in flood-generating precipitation extremes over the Czech Republic in high-resolution regional climate models, Journal of Hydrology and Hydromechanics, 59, 4, 217-227
- Plavcová, Eva ; Kyselý, Jan, 2011: Evaluation of daily temperatures in Central Europe and their links to large-scale circulation in an ensemble of regional climate models, Tellus Series A-Dynamic Meteorology and Oceanography, 63A, 4, 763-781
- Kyselý, Jan, 2010: Coverage probability of bootstrap confidence intervals in heavy-tailed frequency models, with application to precipitation data, Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 101, 3-4, 345-361
- Kyselý, Jan ; Picek, J. ; Beranová, Romana, 2010: Estimating extremes in climate change simulations using the peaks-over-threshold method with a non-stationary threshold, Global and Planetary Change, 72, 1-2, 55-68
- Kyselý, Jan, 2010: Recent severe heat waves in central Europe: how to view them in a long-term prospect?, International Journal of Climatology, 30, 1, 89-109
- Kyselý, Jan ; Huth, Radan ; Kim, J., 2010: Evaluating heat-related mortality in Korea by objective classifications of "air masses", International Journal of Climatology, 30, 10, 1484-1501
- Kyselý, Jan ; Huth, Radan, 2010: Relationships between summer air masses and mortality in Seoul: Comparison of weather-type classifications, Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, 35, 9-12, 536-543
- Plavcová, Eva; Kyselý, Jan, 2010: Relationships between sudden weather changes in summer and mortality in the Czech Republic, 1986–2005, International Journal of Biometeorology, 54, 5, 539-551
- Kyselý, Jan ; Plavcová, Eva, 2010: A critical remark on the applicability of E-OBS European gridded temperature data set for validating control climate simulations, Journal of Geophysical Research, 115, -, D23118/1-D23118/14
- Gaál, Ladislav ; Kyselý, Jan, 2009: Comparison of region-of-influence methods for estimating high quantiles of precipitation in a dense dataset in the Czech Republic, Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 13, 11
- Kyselý, Jan ; Beranová, Romana, 2009: Climate-change effects on extreme precipitation in central Europe: uncertainties of scenarios based on regional climate models, Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 95, 3-4, 361-374
- Kyselý, Jan ; Pokorná, Lucie ; Kyncl, J. ; Kříž, B., 2009: Excess cardiovascular mortality associated with cold spells in the Czech Republic, Bmc Public Health, 9, 19, 1-11
- Kyselý, Jan ; Kim, J., 2009: Mortality during heat waves in South Korea, 1991 to 2005: How exceptional was the 1994 heat wave?, Climate Research, 38, 2, 105-116
- Kyselý, Jan, 2009: Trends in heavy precipitation in the Czech Republic over 1961-2005, International Journal of Climatology, 29, 12, 1745-1758
- Radová, Michaela ; Kyselý, Jan, 2009: Temporal instability of temperature singularities in a long-term series at Prague-Klementinum, Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 95, 3-4, 235-243
- Trnka, Miroslav ; Kyselý, Jan ; Možný, M. ; Dubrovský, Martin, 2009: Changes in Central-European soil-moisture availability and circulation patterns in 1881-2005, International Journal of Climatology, 29, 5, 655-672
- Gaál, L. ; Kyselý, Jan ; Szolgay, J., 2008: Region-of-influence approach to a frequency analysis of heavy precipitation in Slovakia, Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 12, 3, 825-839
- Huth, Radan ; Beck, Ch. ; Philipp, A. ; Demuzere, M. ; Ustrnul, Z. ; Cahynová, Monika ; Kyselý, Jan ; Tveito, O. E., 2008: Classifications of atmospheric circulation patterns: Recent advances and applications, New York Academy of Sciences. Annals, 1146, 105-152
- Huth, Radan ; Kyselý, Jan ; Bochníček, Josef ; Hejda, Pavel, 2008: Solar activity affects the occurrence of synoptic types over Europe, Annales Geophysicae, 26, 7, 1999-2004
- Kyselý, Jan, 2008: A cautionary note on the use of nonparametric bootstrap for estimating uncertainties in extreme value models, Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology, 47, 12, 3236-3251
- Kyselý, Jan ; Kříž, B., 2008: Decreased impacts of the 2003 heat waves on mortality in the Czech Republic: an improved response?, International Journal of Biometeorology, 52, 8, 733-745
- Kyselý, Jan, 2008: Influence of the persistence of circulation patterns on warm and cold temperature anomalies in Europe: Analysis over the 20th century, Global and Planetary Change, 62, 1-2, 147-163
- Kyselý, Jan ; Beranová, Romana ; Picek, J. ; Štěpánek, P., 2008: Simulation of summer temperature extremes over the Czech Republic in regional climate models, Meteorologische Zeitschrift, 17, 5, 645-661
- Kyselý, Jan ; Picek, J. ; Huth, Radan, 2007: Formation of homogeneous regions for regional frequency analysis of extreme precipitation events in the Czech Republic, Studia geophysica et geodaetica, 51, 2, 327-344
- Kyselý, Jan, 2007: Implications of enhanced persistence of atmospheric circulation for the occurrence and severity of temperature extremes, International Journal of Climatology, 27, 5, 689-695
- Kyselý, Jan ; Picek, J., 2007: Regional growth curves and improved design value estimates of extreme precipitation events in the Czech Republic, Climate Research, 33, 3, 243-255
- Kyselý, Jan ; Huth, Radan, 2006: Changes in atmospheric circulation over Europe detected by objective and subjective methods, Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 85, 1-2, 19-36
- Kyselý, Jan ; Domonkos, P. , 2006: Recent increase in persistence of atmospheric circulation over Europe: comparison with long-term variations since 1881, International Journal of Climatology, 26, 4, 461-483
- Kyselý, Jan ; Dubrovský, Martin, 2005: Simulation of extreme temperature events by a stochastic weather generator: effects of interdiurnal and interannual variability reproduction, International Journal of Climatology, 25, 2, 251-269