Mag. Dr. rer. nat. Ulrich Taubenschuss
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+420 267 103 057 |
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Další informace:
- Wahlund, J.-E., Bergman, J. E. S., Åhlen, L., (...), Santolík, O., Souček, J., Štverák, Š., Grison, B., Jánský, J., Kolmašová, I., Lán, R., Píša, D., Taubenschuss, U., Uhlíř, L. et al., 2025: The Radio & Plasma Wave Investigation (RPWI) for the JUpiter ICy moons Explorer (JUICE), Space Science Reviews, 221, 1, 1
- Fischer, G., Taubenschuss, U., Píša, D., Imai, M., Kurth, W. S., 2025: Spectral Structures of Jovian Broadband Kilometric Radiation Revealed by Cassini and Juno, Journal of Geophysical Research-Space Physics, 130, 1, e2024JA032826
- Wu, S., Taubenschuss, U., Ye, S., Fischer, G. et al., 2024: Ray-Tracing Analysis for the Propagation of Saturn Narrowband Emission Within the Saturnian Magnetosphere, Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets, 129, 4, e2023JE008118
- Wu, S., Ye, S., Taubenschuss, U., Fischer, G., Jackman, C. M., Zarka, P., Kurth, W. S., Wang, M., Cecconi, B., Ning, H., Long, M., Baskevitch, C., 2024: Formation of an Extended Equatorial Shadow Zone for Low-Frequency Saturn Kilometric Radiation, Geophysical Research Letters, 51, 15, e2023GL106652
- Santolík, O., Shprits, Y., Kolmašová, I., Wang, D., Taubenschuss, U., Turčičová, M., Hanzelka, M., 2024: Strong Effects of Chorus Waves on Radiation Belts Expected for Future Magnetic Superstorms, AGU Advances, 5, 5, e2024AV001234
- Fischer, G., Taubenschuss, U., Píša, D., 2022: Classification of spectral fine structures of Saturn kilometric radiation, Annales Geophysicae, 40, 4, 485-501
- Wu, S.Y., Ye, S.Y., Fischer, G., Taubenschuss, Ulrich, Jackman, C. M., 2022: Saturn Anomalous Myriametric Radiation, a New Type of Saturn Radio Emission Revealed by Cassini, Geophysical Research Letters, 49, 16, e2022GL099237
- Wu, S., Zarka, P., Lamy, L., Taubenschuss, Ulrich, Cecconi, B., Ye, S., Fischer, G., Kurth, W. S., Francez, T., 2022: Observations of the First Harmonic of Saturn Kilometric Radiation During Cassini\'s Grand Finale, Journal of Geophysical Research-Space Physics, 127, 9, e2022JA030776
- Taubenschuss, Ulrich, Lamy, L., Fischer, G., Píša, David, Santolík, Ondřej, Souček, Jan, Kurth, W. S., Cecconi, B., Zarka, P., Rucker, H. O., 2021: The Faraday rotation effect in Saturn Kilometric Radiation observed by the CASSINI spacecraft, Icarus, 370, 114661
- Demekhov, A. G., Taubenschuss, Ulrich, Hanzelka, Miroslav, Santolík, Ondřej, 2020: Frequency Dependence of Very Low Frequency Chorus Poynting Flux in the Source Region: THEMIS Observations and a Model, Geophysical Research Letters, 47, e2020GL086958
- Taubenschuss, Ulrich, Santolík, Ondřej, 2019: Wave Polarization Analyzed by Singular Value Decomposition of the Spectral Matrix in the Presence of Noise, Surveys in Geophysics, 40, 1, 39-69
další publikace- Taubenschuss, Ulrich; Demekhov, A.; Santolík, Ondřej, 2018: Interpretation of whistler mode chorus observations with the Backward Wave Oscillator model, Planetary Radio Emissions VIII. Proceedings of the 8th International Workshop on Planetary, Solar and Heliospheric Radio Emissions (PRE 8), 233-242
- Grison, Benjamin, Souček, Jan, Krupař, Vratislav, Píša, David, Santolík, Ondřej, Taubenschuss, Ulrich, Němec, F., 2018: Shock deceleration in interplanetary coronal mass ejections (ICMEs) beyond Mercury, Journal of Space Weather and Space Climate, 8 , A54
- Demekhov, A. G.; Taubenschuss, Ulrich; Santolík, Ondřej, 2017: Simulation of VLF chorus emissions in the magnetosphere and comparison with THEMIS spacecraft data, Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics, 122, 1, 166-184
- Taubenschuss, Ulrich; Santolík, Ondřej; Breuillard, H.; Li, W.; Le Contel, O., 2016: Poynting vector and wave vector directions of equatorial chorus, Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physic, 121, 12, 11,912-11,928
- Taubenschuss, Ulrich ; Santolík, Ondřej ; Graham, D. B. ; Fu, H. ; Khotyaintsev, Y. V. ; Le Contel, O., 2015: Different types of whistler mode chorus in the equatorial source region, Geophysical Research Letters, 42, 20, 8271-8279
- Taubenschuss, U. ; Khotyaintsev, Y. V. ; Santolík, Ondřej ; Vaivads, A. ; Cully, C. M. ; Contel Le, O. ; Angelopoulos, V., 2014: Wave normal angles of whistler-mode chorus rising and falling tones, Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics, 119, 12, 9567-9578
- Fu, H. S. ; Cao, J. B. ; Zhima, Z. ; Khotyaintsev, Y. V. ; Angelopoulos, V. ; Santolík, Ondřej ; Omura, Y. ; Taubenschuss, U. ; Chen, L. ; Huang, S. Y., 2014: First observation of rising-tone magnetosonic waves, Geophysical Research Letters, 41, 21, 7419-7426