RNDr. Jaroslav Svoboda, CSc.
Oddělení: | Oddělení meteorologie |
Pracovní zařazení: | Vědecký pracovník |
E-mail: | |
Telefon: | +420 272 016 018 |
Místnost: | 18 |
- 1962-1967 Faculty of Mathematics and Physics of the Charles University in Prague (major in meteorology and climatology),
- 1980 Defense of candidates thesis at the Faculty of Mathematics and Physics of the Charles University
Pracovní odborná činnost:
Physical design of mathematical models of the atmospheric boundary layer over a complex terrain. Development of numerical codes of the boundary layer models. Comparison model outputs with measurements. Large eddy simulations.
- COST. IC0802 , Propagation tools / data for integrated Telecom, Navigation and Earth Observation systems, 2009–2012, řešitel (ÚFA): Fišer Ondřej, tým: Chládová, Z.; Fišák, J.; Pešice, P.; Sokol, Z.; Svoboda, J.
- Barret, B., Albouys, V., den Herder, J.W., Svoboda, J., Souček, J., Boorman, P. G., et al., 2023: The Athena X-ray Integral Field Unit: a consolidated design for the system requirement review of the preliminary definition phase, Experimental Astronomy, 55, 2, 373-426
- Popová, J., Sokol, Z., Wang, P., Svoboda, J., 2023: Observations and modelling of the winter thunderstorm on February 4, 2022 at the Milešovka meteorological observatory, Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society, 149, 757, Part B, 3541-3561
- Svoboda, Jaroslav ; Chládová, Zuzana ; Hošek, Jiří ; Pop, Lukáš, 2013: Statistical-dynamical downscaling of wind roses over the Czech Republic, Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 112, -, 713-722
- Chládová, Zuzana ; Fišer, Ondřej ; Brázda, Vladimír ; Svoboda, Jaroslav, 2013: Correlation of free-space optics link attenuation with sonic temperature, Optical Engineering, 52, 3, -
- Pešek, J. ; Fišer, Ondřej ; Svoboda, Jaroslav ; Schejbal, V., 2010: Modeling of 830 nm FSO Link Attenuation in Fog or Wind Turbulence, Radioengineering, 19, 2, 237-241