description:BILATERALE CAS - Accordo CNR/CAS (Repubblica Ceca) 2022-2024 -Progetto FEDERICO/POPOVA\' - Improving the short-term forecast of convective events using the Meteosat Third Generation observations over Europe
The first Meteosat Third Generation satellite (MTG) will be launched by the end of 2022 providing completely new, as in the case of lightning, or improved data (both in resolution and quality). Thus, the main objective of this research is to be prepared, before the launch, and to exploit, after the launch, the data of the MTG with the aim of improving the very short-term forecast of severe weather (precipitation and lightning) associated with convective storms in the 0-6h time window.
This main objective will be achieved by meeting three other objectives: (i) improving the precipitation forecast, especially of convective events using lightning data assimilation (NWP-ASSIM); (ii) improving the nowcasting of thunderstorms by analysing MTG data and by their extrapolation in time (OBS-FCST), and (iii) comparison and integration of the two methodologies into one.
We believe that the realization of this project will pave the way for future joint research projects between the two institutes, which are foreseeable, but not limited, to the framework of MTG data exploitation.