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ESA 4000143632/24/I-EB, SOLID MAGNETIC SCIENCE CLUSTER - RESEARCH OPPORTUNITIES: 4D IONOSPHERE - QUID-REGIS, 2024-2026, řešitel (ÚFA): Urbář Jaroslav popis The day-to day variability of quiet-time ionosphere is surprisingly high even during periods of negligible solar forcing. Relatively well understood is the high-latitude variability where the solar wind is directly driving the high latitude currents, convection electric field or polar aurorae. But the current understanding does not allow to accurately model the ionospheric state during the quiet-time conditions also at mid- and low-latitudes. Surprising effects remains even at mid-latitudes, including for instance double daily maxima of ionospheric critical frequency. Swarm measurements allow the characterization of the upper atmospheric conditions and dynamics (80-400 km) for more than 10 years now. The analysis of Swarm data also showed that the ionosphere is sometimes disturbed even during “quiet” solar periods: the electron density and electric field, for instance, can show significant variability that currently remains unexplained.Using Swarm data, supported by extensive ground-based measurements of both, the upper mesospheric/ lower thermosphere (UMLT) and ionospheric D-, E- and F-region, as well as the International Reference Ionosphere Model (IRI), we contribute to characterize the atmospheric state during these quiet periods. Thus, QUID-REGIS contributes to the understanding of disturbances in the upper atmosphere and clarifies whether these are at least in parts a result of neutral atmospheric dynamics from the lower atmosphere at mid-latitudes. During solar quiet periods, we will analyze Swarm data to detect unexpected variability. For these periods, we will investigate measurements at lower heights for atmospheric variability. These measurements comprise airglow observations representative for the neutral atmosphere in the UMLT (80-100km), magnetic field (and other) observations representative for the ionospheric dynamo region (85-200km) as well as airglow observations from 200-300km altitude. zavřít |
ESA 4000142726/23/NL/CRS, Lunar Environment Surface Package, 2024-2025, řešitel (ÚFA): Grison Benjamin |
MŠMT LM2023030, ACTRIS – účast ČR, 2023-2026, řešitel (ÚFA): Sedlák Pavel, tým: Pešice, P.; Kvak, R.; |
AV ČR CONICET-22-02 - AV ČR - Argentina project, Multi-instrument investigation of ionospheric perturbations, 2022-2024, řešitel (ÚFA): Chum Jaroslav popis https://www.avcr.cz/export/sites/avcr.cz/cs/veda-a-vyzkum/mezinarodni-vztahy/aktuality/files/CAS-CONICET_2022-23_aj.pdf zavřít |
AV ČR CNR-22-25 - AV ČR - CNR Itálie, Improving the short-term forecast of convective events using the Meteosat Third Generation observations over Europe, 2022-2024, řešitel (ÚFA): Popová Jana popis https://www.isac.cnr.it/en/projects/bilaterale-cnrcas-repubblica-ceca-2022-2024-improving-short-term-forecast-convective
description:BILATERALE CAS - Accordo CNR/CAS (Repubblica Ceca) 2022-2024 -Progetto FEDERICO/POPOVA\' - Improving the short-term forecast of convective events using the Meteosat Third Generation observations over Europe
The first Meteosat Third Generation satellite (MTG) will be launched by the end of 2022 providing completely new, as in the case of lightning, or improved data (both in resolution and quality). Thus, the main objective of this research is to be prepared, before the launch, and to exploit, after the launch, the data of the MTG with the aim of improving the very short-term forecast of severe weather (precipitation and lightning) associated with convective storms in the 0-6h time window.
This main objective will be achieved by meeting three other objectives: (i) improving the precipitation forecast, especially of convective events using lightning data assimilation (NWP-ASSIM); (ii) improving the nowcasting of thunderstorms by analysing MTG data and by their extrapolation in time (OBS-FCST), and (iii) comparison and integration of the two methodologies into one.
We believe that the realization of this project will pave the way for future joint research projects between the two institutes, which are foreseeable, but not limited, to the framework of MTG data exploitation.
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HORIZON 2020, PITHIA-NRF 101007599, Plasmasphere Ionosphere Thermosphere Integrated Research Environment and Access services: a Network of Research Facilities, 2021-2025, řešitel (ÚFA): Obrazová (Burešová) Dalia popis PITHIA-NRF aims at building a European distributed network that integrates observing facilities, data processing tools and prediction models dedicated to ionosphere, thermosphere and plasmasphere research. For the first time, PITHIA-NRF integrates on a European scale, and opens up, to all European researchers, key national and regional research infrastructures such as EISCAT, LOFAR, Ionosondes and Digisondes, GNSS receivers, Doppler sounding systems, riometers, and VLF receivers, ensuring optimal use and joint development. PITHIA-NRF is designed to provide organized access to experimental facilities, FAIR data, standardized data products, training and innovation services. Furthermore, PITHIA-NRF facilitates drastically research advances in the field of upper atmosphere and near-Earth space, through the integration of data collections from satellite missions (such as Cluster, DEMETER, Swarm and CHAMP) and results from key prediction models (such as IPIM-IRAP, MCM-SWAMI, SWIF and EUHFORIA) that can be accessed by scientific users for join exploitation with the data collected from the research infrastructures of the network.
PITHIA-NRF paves the way for new observing technologies, and to standard-making processes for software and high-level data products that are tuned to meet the requirements of technologies concerned, linking best-in-class R&D facilities to provide seamless multi-technology services. zavřít |
ESA 4000134036/21/D/MRP, BIRA-IASB-SWESNET, 2021-2023, řešitel (ÚFA): Kouba Daniel |
ESA 4000133567/20/I-BG, AO/1-9544/20/I/NS, AEOLUS-INNOVATION - LISA - Lidar measurements to Identify Streamers and analyse Atmospheric waves, 2021-2022, řešitel (ÚFA): Kozubek Michal |
ESA PRODEX PEA 4000134494, Electronics for Comet Interceptor - Phase B, 2021-2022, řešitel (ÚFA): Kolmašová Ivana popis https://www.czechspaceportal.cz/prilezitosti-v-esa/volitelne-programy-esa-s-ucasti-cr/program-vyvoje-vedeckych-experimentu-prodex/ zavřít |
ESA PRODEX 4000134835 Contract ML, Development of FSUA for LISA mission – Phase B1, 2021-2022, řešitel (ÚFA): Souček Jan popis https://www.czechspaceportal.cz/prilezitosti-v-esa/volitelne-programy-esa-s-ucasti-cr/program-vyvoje-vedeckych-experimentu-prodex/ zavřít |
ESA 40000136050/21/NL/AT, ESWEP - EL3 Polar Explorer Environment and Space Weather / Exosphere Pre-Phase A Study , 2021-2022, řešitel (ÚFA): Grison Benjamin |
HORIZON 2020, EUROPLANET 2024, projekt EPN2024-RI, ID 871149, EUROPLANET 2024, 2020-2024, řešitel (ÚFA): Souček Jan popis Investing in space infrastructures such as in the Copernicus and Galileo programmes, Europe has historically been at the forefront of space exploration. The Commission has made ambitious proposals for the period 2021–2027. These include a dedicated Space programme for a total of EUR 16 billion. It is within this context the EU-funded EPN-2024-RI will provide infrastructure necessary to address the major scientific and technological challenges facing modern planetary science. Its aim is to ensure Europe’s position is at the forefront of space exploration. To do this, the project will provide Transnational Access (TA) to an enhanced set of world-leading field and laboratory facilities, Virtual Access (VA) to state-of-the-art data services and tools linked to the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC), and Networking Activities (NA) to widen the user base and draw in new partners from around the world.zavřít |
COST CA19139, Process-based models for climate impact attribution across sectors (PROCLIAS), 2020-2024, řešitel (ÚFA): Urban Aleš |
HORIZON 2020 ID 870437, SafeSpace - Radiation Belt Environmental Indicators for the Safety of Space Assets, ID: 870437, 2020-2022, řešitel (ÚFA): Santolík Ondřej popis Monitoring space weather events is crucial. The EU-funded SafeSpace project aims to advance space weather nowcasting and forecasting capabilities, contributing significantly to the safety of space assets through the transition of powerful tools from research to operations. This will be achieved through the synergy of five well-established space weather models. SafeSpace hopes to improve radiation belt, culminating in a prototype early warning system for detrimental space weather events, integrating information all the way from the Sun to the inner magnetosphere. Working, also, with a major European space company, SafeSpace, hopes to define indicators of particle radiation of use to space industry and spacecraft operators. zavřít |
HORIZON 2020, ID 870452, PAGER - Prediction of Adverse effects of Geomagnetic Storms and Energetic Radiation, ID 870452, 2020-2022, řešitel (ÚFA): Souček Jan popis A geomagnetic storm is a major disturbance of Earth\'s magnetosphere. It occurs when there is a very efficient exchange of energy from the solar wind into the space environment surrounding Earth. Predicting these storms is vital. This is the objective of the EU-funded PAGER project, which has assembled a team of leading academic and industry experts in space weather research, space physics, empirical data modelling and space environment effects on spacecraft from Europe and the United States. The project will provide a 1-2 day probabilistic forecast of ring current and radiation belt environments. This will allow satellite operators to respond to predictions that present a threat. The most advanced codes will be used, adapted to perform ensemble simulations and uncertainty quantifications.
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ESA PRODEX C4000127530, Development and realization of the Long-wavelength Electromagnetic Radiation Analyzer for the Luna-Resurs Orbital mission (LEMRA), 2019-2025, řešitel (ÚFA): Santolík Ondřej popis https://www.czechspaceportal.cz/prilezitosti-v-esa/volitelne-programy-esa-s-ucasti-cr/program-vyvoje-vedeckych-experimentu-prodex/ zavřít |
ESA PRODEX C4000119373, X-IFU Warm Electronics for the ESA X-ray mission Athena Phase B, 2019-2023, řešitel (ÚFA): Souček Jan popis https://www.czechspaceportal.cz/prilezitosti-v-esa/volitelne-programy-esa-s-ucasti-cr/program-vyvoje-vedeckych-experimentu-prodex/ zavřít |
ESA PRODEX C4000119373, Low Frequency (LF for JUICE RPWI - Phase C/D, 2017-2022, řešitel (ÚFA): Santolík Ondřej popis https://www.czechspaceportal.cz/prilezitosti-v-esa/volitelne-programy-esa-s-ucasti-cr/program-vyvoje-vedeckych-experimentu-prodex/ zavřít |
ESA PRODEX C4000117599, EXPERIMENTS – MAIGRET-WAM ExoMARS , 2015-2022, řešitel (ÚFA): Santolík Ondřej popis https://www.czechspaceportal.cz/prilezitosti-v-esa/volitelne-programy-esa-s-ucasti-cr/program-vyvoje-vedeckych-experimentu-prodex/ zavřít |
ESA 4000114275/15/NL/CB, Delivery of the Calibrated Datasets from the Cluster WBD Instruments received at the Panska Ves TM station during yaers 2015-2016 for the Cluster Active Archivie (CAA), 2014-2022, řešitel (ÚFA): Santolík Ondřej |