X-ray photometer RF
The X-ray photometer RF is designed to measure the solar X-ray
radiation in the soft spectral range. In addition to continuous
monitoring of the solar radiation in the X-ray range, the instrument
can be used as an indicator for automatic switching-on the
scientific instrumentation for registering the processes of the
active solar events, assuming a change in the solar X-ray radiation
as a "precursor" of these phenomena. The photometer is oriented
along the -Z-axis of the subsatellite, i.e. toward the Sun.
The photometer consists of two units: the detector unit and
electronics unit. The photometer is the scintillating detector with
the aluminium foil in front of it to prevent penetration of the soft
particles and X-rays.
The output signal of the detector is passed to the two-channel
amplitude analyzer where it is selected in two ranges: 10-15 keV
and15-60 keV. The impulses from the channels with a fixed amplitude
are transferred to the electronics unit where they are
accumulated during 0.8 s (time of one exposure step).
The maximum capacity of the detector is 183441 imp/0.8 sec., so
for higher flux intensity (which is hardly probable) the detector
data are not valid.
Contact persons:
F.Farnik - Astronomical Inst., Czech Acad. Sci., Ondrejov, Czech
L.Triskova ltr@ufa.cas.cz-
Institute of
Atmospheric Physics, Czech Acad. Sci., Prague, Czech Republic.
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