Accumulator battery and protection system.
Each of the chemical batteries (XB-1 and XB-2) consists of 10
successively switched nickel-cadmium cells in pressure vessels of RSQ-4
type with the nominal capacity 4 A*hour. Batteries
nominally operate in a buffer mode with the load power less than the
solar array power. The batteries are being charged in this mode. They are
discharging either when the load power exceeds the solar battery
power, or on the shaded portion of subsatellite orbit. To control
charge-discharge processes each of the accumulator batteries has
temperature interval regulator.
Protection from an excess charging is realized by means of limiting
the charging voltage at the level of 14.5 V. Emergency protection is
realized through temperature regulators mounted inside batteries.
Protection from excess discharging is provided by switching the
battery off from the discharging circuit and by switching
it to charging when its voltage falls below 10.8 V.
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