Development of Research and Development Capacities at the Institute of Atmospheric Physics CAS
Project No.: CZ.02.2.69/0.0/0.0/18_054/0014500
Implementation Period: from 1 January 2020 to 31 December 2022
Contact Person: Mgr. Alena Nováková
Grant Provider: Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the Czech Republic within the OP RDE programme
Financial support from the European Union is provided for the Project
Link to VaVaI:
By sending the Accession Letter on 6 January 2020, the Institute of Atmospheric Physics of the Czech Academy of Sciences joined the 1249 European scientific organizations committed to apply and adhere to the principles laid down in the European Charter for Researchers and the Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers. Implementation of this Project began on 1 January 2020 and it is financially supported from the Operational Programme Research, Development and Education, which is led by the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the Czech Republic.
The purpose of the Charter and the Code is to ensure that relations between researchers and their employers contribute to the successful scientific work, development of their scientific career and transparent recruitment of new employees. This object will be achieved through the implementation of Human Resources Strategy for Researcher. Through the realization of the Project, we started the journey to obtain the "HR Excellence in Research" award, shortly HR Award, awarded by the European Commission after meeting strict criteria, and which is considered a brand of a successful and competitive scientific institution.
Description of the Project:
The Project aims to set up the organization´s internal environment to meet the conditions described in the European Charter for Researchers and the Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers and to meet the criteria for the HR Award. The internal rules and guidelines of the organization will be unified and some internal processes will be strengthened. The institute´s competences in the field of international cooperation and popularization will be improved. The staff of the institute will be supported through training and internships.
Key Project Activities:
- Activity No.1: Human resource management
- Activity No.2: Setting up the strategic management of the research organization in R&D accordance with the conditions for obtaining the HR Award
- Activity No.5: Strategic setting and development of international cooperation in R&D and internationalization of the research institution
- Activity No.8: Strategic setting and development of R&D popularization
Steering Committee:
- RNDr. Zbyněk Sokol, CSc., Director of Institute
- Marta Arazimová, Head of Economic Department
- Vojtěch Bližňák, Ph.D., Scientific Secretary
Working Group:
- Alena Nováková, Project Coordinator
- Zuzana Gutierrez, Personal Specialist
- Marta Arazimová, Head of Economic Department
- Karolína Severová, International Cooperation Coordinator
- Romana Beranová, Ph.D., Researcher, Guarantor of activity No.2
- Vojtěch Bližňák, Ph.D., Researcher, Guarantor of activity No.5
- Kateřina Podolská, Ph.D., Researcher, Guarantor of activity No.5
- Štěpán Štverák, Ph.D., Researcher, Guarantor of activity No.2
- David Píša, Ph. D., Researcher, Guarantor of activity No.8
- Mgr. Zbyšek Mošna, Ph. D., Researcher, Guarantor of activity No.8
On 1st January 2021, the Institute of Atmospheric Physics of the Czech Academy of Sciences began to work on the implementation of the Action plan. Final version of Action plan was sent on 6th January 2021 for assessment via Euraxess portal, together with other documents. For this phase of the proces, the members of both the steering committee and the working group have been modified (see below). We are working together to receive the HR Award.
Steering Committee – Board of Directors:
- doc. RNDr. Zbyněk Sokol, CSc. since 28.2.2021 /from 1.3.2021 prof. RNDr. Radan Huth, DrSc., Director of IAP
- Ing. Marta Arazimová, Head of Economic Department
- Mgr. Romana Beranová, Ph.D., Head of Department of Climatology
- RNDr. Jan Laštovička, DrSc., Head of Department of Ionosphere and Aeronomy
- Mgr. Ondřej Lhotka, Ph.D., Secretary of the Board of Directors
- RNDr. Miloslav Müller, Ph.D., Head of Department of Meteorology
- Ing. Dalia Obrazová, CSc., Statutory Deputy Director
- RNDr. Kateřina Podolská, Ph.D., Chairman of the Trade Union
- prof. RNDr. Ondřej Santolík, Dr., Head of Department of Space Physics
- ng. Jan Souček, Ph.D., Deputy Director for Science
- Ing. Štěpán Štverák, Ph.D., Head of Group of Numerical Simulations
Working group:
- Mgr. Alena Nováková, Project Coordinator
- Ing. Jana Rezková, Personnel Specialist
- Ing. Marta Arazimová, Head of Economic Department
- Ing. Karolína Severová, International Cooperation Coordinator
- Mgr. Romana Beranová, Ph.D., Researcher
- RNDr. Vojtěch Bližňák, Ph.D., Researcher
- RNDr. Kateřina Podolská, Ph.D., Researcher
- Ing. Štěpán Štverák, Ph.D., Researcher
- RNDr. David Píša, Ph. D., Researcher
- Mgr. Zbyšek Mošna, Ph. D., Researcher
- Mgr. Miroslav Hanzelka, Researcher
- RNDr. Zuzana Rulfová, Ph.D., Researcher
- doc. RNDr. Radan Huth, DrSc., Director of IAP
- Ing. Dalia Obrazová, CSc., Statutory Deputy Director
On September 2, 2021 the Institute of Atmospheric Physics of the Czech Academy of Sciences received the prestigious HR Excellence in Research Award. We have thus joined more than 600 European scientific institutions that already have this European award in human resources area. However, by granting this certification, our work does not end. We will continue to work on further improvements of working environment for our employees (not only scientists, but also administrative ones). We expect that obtaining this award will increase the prestige of our workplace in the eyes of the professional public, its attractiveness in terms of addressing new employees, including those from abroad, and strengthen our position to obtain funding from Czech and foreign grant programs as well. More about the whole process at the following link: HRS4R | EURAXESS (
Steering Committee – Board of Directors:
- prof. RNDr. Radan Huth, DrSc., Director of IAP
- Ing. Marta Arazimová, Head of Economic Department
- Mgr. Romana Beranová, Ph.D., Head of Department of Climatology
- RNDr. Jan Laštovička, DrSc., Head of Department of Ionosphere and Aeronomy
- Mgr. Ondřej Lhotka, Ph.D., Secretary of the Board of Directors
- RNDr. Miloslav Müller, Ph.D., Head of Department of Meteorology
- Ing. Dalia Obrazová, CSc., Statutory Deputy Director
- RNDr. Kateřina Podolská, Ph.D., Chairman of the Trade Union
- prof. RNDr. Ondřej Santolík, Dr., Head of Department of Space Physics
- ng. Jan Souček, Ph.D., Deputy Director for Science
- Ing. Štěpán Štverák, Ph.D., Head of Group of Numerical Simulations
Working group:
- Mgr. Alena Nováková, Project Coordinator
- Ing. Jana Rezková, Personnel Specialist
- Ing. Marta Arazimová, Head of Economic Department
- Ing. Karolína Severová, International Cooperation Coordinator
- Mgr. Romana Beranová, Ph.D., Researcher
- RNDr. Vojtěch Bližňák, Ph.D., Researcher
- RNDr. Kateřina Podolská, Ph.D., Researcher
- Ing. Štěpán Štverák, Ph.D., Researcher
- RNDr. David Píša, Ph. D., Researcher
- Mgr. Zbyšek Mošna, Ph. D., Researcher
- Mgr. Miroslav Hanzelka, Researcher
- Ing. Maria Kovalchuk, Ph.D., Researcher
- doc. RNDr. Radan Huth, DrSc., Director of IAP
- Ing. Dalia Obrazová, CSc., Statutory Deputy Director
On September 2, 2021 the Institute of Atmospheric Physics of the Czech Academy of Sciences received the prestigious HR Excellence in Research Award. We have thus joined more than 600 European scientific institutions that already have this European award in human resources area. However, by granting this certification, our work does not end. We will continue to work on further improvements of working environment for our employees (not only scientists, but also administrative ones). We expect that obtaining this award will increase the prestige of our workplace in the eyes of the professional public, its attractiveness in terms of addressing new employees, including those from abroad, and strengthen our position to obtain funding from Czech and foreign grant programs as well. More about the whole process at the following link: HRS4R | EURAXESS (
Výstupy projektu:
- Commitment Letter
- Action Plan IAP
- Action Plan IAP - minor modifications
- Action Plan IAP 2023-2026
- Strategy of International Cooperation in the Field of Research and Development and Internationalisation
- OTM-R policy
- Research Strategy of the IAP 2022 2024
- Internal documents (authorized access)