MŠMT MŠMT - OP JAK - CZ.02.01.01/00/23_015/0008191, ACTRIS-CZ RI 3, 2024-2027, investigator (IAP): Sedlák Pavel description |
MŠMT LM2023030, ACTRIS – participation of the Czech Republic, 2023-2026, investigator (IAP): Sedlák Pavel, team: Pešice, P.; Kvak, R.; |
MŠMT Intercost LTC19043, Extremeness and causes of compound weather events in Central Europe, 2019-2022, investigator (IAP): Müller Miloslav, team: Kašpar, M. |
TAČR SS02030040, PERUN - Prediction, Evaluation and Research for Understanding National sensitivity and impacts of drought and climate change for Czechia, 2020-2026, lead investigator: Tolasz, R. (ČHMÚ), investigator (IAP): Sokol Zbyněk, team: Beranová, R., Bližňák, V., Kašpar, M., Müller, M., Pokorná, L., Rulfová, Z., Zacharov, P., Řezáčová, D., Kvak, R. |
TAČR SS01020366, ERS - Using remote sensing to assess negative impacts on rainstorms, 2020-2024, investigator (IAP): Bližňák Vojtěch, team: Pokorná, L., Kašpar, M. |
TAČR CK01000048, Forecasting system of road surface condition and temperature of the Czech highways, 2020-2023, investigator (IAP): Zacharov Petr, team: Bližňák, V., Pešice, P., Sedlák, P., Sokol, Z. description |
GA ČR GA21-07954S, Varying atmospheric variability, 2021-2024, investigator (IAP): Pejchová Plavcová Eva, team: Beranová, R., Dubrovský, M., Huth, R., Kašpar, M., Krauskopf, T., Lhotka, O., Navrátilová, D., Rulfová, Z. description |
AV ČR Strategie AV21, , 2024-2028, investigator (IAP): Santolík Ondřej, team: Bližňák, V. |
AV ČR Strategie AV21, Dynamic Planet Earth, 2023-2027, investigator (IAP): Zacharov Petr |
AV ČR CNR-22-25 - AV ČR - CNR Itálie, , 2022-2024, investigator (IAP): Popová Jana |
AV ČR AV ČR StrategieAV21/20, Water for Life - Strategy AV21, 2020-2024, investigator (IAP): Sokol Zbyněk |
GAUK GAUK-400120 , Dynamics of convective storms over complex terrain in the Western Carpathians, 2020-2022, investigator (IAP): Kvak Róbert, team: Kašpar, M. |
MZe QK1910029, Antecedent saturation and design rainfalls as factors of hydrological response in small catchments, 2019-2022, investigator (IAP): Kašpar Marek, team: Bližňák, V., Müller, M., Zacharov, P. |