RNDr. Miloslav Müller, Ph.D.
Department: | Department of Meteorology |
Position: | Head of the Department |
Position: | Senior Research Scientist |
E-mail: | |
Phone: | +420 272 016 039 |
Room: | 109 |
- 1997–2002 Master program at the Faculty of Science, Charles University in Prague, branch Geography and History; thesis: “Selected historical cases of severe convective storms” (MSc.)
- Postgraduate studies at the Faculty of Science, Charles University in Prague, branch Physical Geography; thesis: “Hydrometeorological conditions of the origin of significant rain floods in the Czech territory” (Ph.D.)
- 2008 Rigorosum (RNDr. – Rerum Naturalium Doctor)
Study and research fellowships:
- 2006 – Interdisciplinary Environmental Research Centre, Technical University Freiberg, Germany, (6 months, scholarship from the German Federal Foundation for Environment)
Employment and academic experience:
- since 2002 Department of Meteorology, Institute of Atmospheric Physics, Czech Academy of Sciences; since 2022 head of the department
- since 2007 Department of Physical Geography and Geoecology, Faculty of Science, Charles University
Professional interest:
- evaluation of weather extremes and their meteorological causes;
- analysis of historical hydrometeorological extremes;
- temporal and spatial distribution of precipitation intensities during heavy precipitation events;
- meteorological terminology and its history;
- meteorological issues in education;
- popularisation of meteorology, especially on tropical cyclones.
Other info:
- member of the Czech Meteorological Society; since 2018 the head of its terminological group which deals with the Electronic Meteorological Glossary; since 2021 a member of the main council of the Society
- TAČR SS02030040 , PERUN - Prediction, Evaluation and Research for Understanding National sensitivity and impacts of drought and climate change for Czechia, 2020-2026, lead investigator: Tolasz, R. (ČHMÚ), investigator (IAP): Sokol Zbyněk, team: Beranová, R., Bližňák, V., Kašpar, M., Müller, M., Pokorná, L., Rulfová, Z., Zacharov, P., Řezáčová, D., Kvak, R.
- MŠMT Intercost LTC19043 , Extremeness and causes of compound weather events in Central Europe, 2019-2022, investigator (IAP): Müller Miloslav, team: Kašpar, M.
- MZe QK1910029 , Antecedent saturation and design rainfalls as factors of hydrological response in small catchments, 2019-2022, investigator (IAP): Kašpar Marek, team: Bližňák, V., Müller, M., Zacharov, P.
- GA19-03834S , Historical development of meteorological theories and terminology in the Czech Lands, 2019-2021, investigator (IAP): Müller Miloslav, team: Matúšek Miloš, Zacharov Petr
- GA ČR GA19-05011S , Spatial and temporal dynamics of hydrometeorological extremes in montane areas, 2019-2021, investigator (IAP): Kašpar Marek, team: Müller, M., Bližňák, V., Kvak, R.
- GA17-23773S , Extremeness and predictability of precipitation events depending on their properties and atmospheric conditions, 2017-2019, investigator (IAP): Müller Miloslav, team: Kašpar, M., Bližňák, V., Zacharov, P., Kvak, R.,
- MZE QJ1520265 , Variability of Short-term Precipitation and Runoff in Small Czech Drainage Basins and its Influence on Water Resources Management, 2015–2017, investigator (IAP): Müller Miloslav, team: Bližňák, V., Kašpar, M.
- Hulec, F., Kašpar, M., Müller, M., 2024: Review of historical and recent estimates of design precipitation totals and intensities in Czechia, Geografie, 129, 4, 383-409
- Kašpar, M., Müller, M., Bližňák, V., Valeriánová, A., 2023: CZEXWED: The unified Czech extreme weather database, Weather and Climate Extremes, 39, 100540
- Novotný, M., Kocánová, B., Müller, M., 2023: ‘Meteorology’ and ‘meteors’ across centuries: a short history of two problematic terms, Classical Receptions Journal, 15, 3, 271-297
- Müller, Miloslav , 2022: Kde hurikány dostaly své jméno, Geografické rozhledy, 31, 4, 20-23
- Müller, M., Zacharov, P., jr. , 2022: Vývoj českých meteorologických slovníků v mezinárodním kontextu, Meteorologické zprávy, 75, 4, 117-122
- Hulec, F., Müller, M., 2022: Zemská atmosféra, Geografické rozhledy, 32, 2, 10-13
- Šifta, M., Müller, M., 2022: V oblacích, Geografické rozhledy, 32, 2, 14-15
- Müller, Miloslav, Kocánová, B., Zacharov, Petr, jr., 2022: Meteorological Glossaries and Dictionaries: A Review of Their History and Current State, Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 103, 1, E157-E180
- Kašpar, Marek, Bližňák, Vojtěch, Hulec, Filip, Müller, Miloslav, 2021: High-resolution spatial analysis of the variability in the subdaily rainfall time structure, Atmospheric Research, 248, 105202
- Bližňák, V., Kašpar, M., Müller, M., Zacharov, P., 2021: Analysis and verification of reconstructed historical extreme precipitation events in an hourly resolution, Atmospheric Research, 249, 105309
- Gvoždíková, B., Müller, Miloslav, 2021: Moisture fluxes conducive to central European extreme precipitation events, Atmospheric Research, 248, 105182